Monday, June 9, 2008


Sooo... Not doing too much today in the writing department. At least on my fanfic. Rather, I am working on the next Great American Novel! Tadah! I have an idea. Now I'm just fleshing that idea out. And then, by god, within a year (hopefully), I will have begun to write. Oh yeah.

I wrote a bit on the next Ultimatum chapter the other day (yesterday?). I didn't start where I wanted the next chapter to start, because I frankly just did not feel like writing a fight scene. I was tired. Tiredness does not lend itself to fast, furious, adrenaline filled writing. Nope, it doesn't. I was feeling bad about this until I read on Stephanie Meyer's website that that was a ploy she used for some of her books. Woohoo. A real author uses that trick. Nifty. Hopefully, some more will get written tonight, after the blog.

In other news, just finished Twilight today. Will be starting the next one sometime soon. That or Tamora Pierce's work. I like her too. I really, really want to reread the Host right now, but it is too soon. I know that. I would get bored. So I'm trying to put space between me and the Host book wise before I read it again. And then I shall love it all the more. :D

Otherwise, have a good night everyone!


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