Sunday, June 1, 2008

Choo Choo

Chugging right along. I'm writing more now. But here's the sad part, I haven't written in so long, I've kinda forgotten what I've written. I have to go back and read my own story. In doing this, I realize it sucks in parts, which is just depressing. Makes me want to go and edit the darn thing. But one thing that makes me mad (possibly due to never having experienced the need myself), are complete stories, or half written stories, that undergo a complete revision. It just bugs me. Serisouly, I should write the whole thing, then revise it from there. That, to me, is the proper way things should be. Unfortunately all around, I was too anxious to write the whole story without commentary. Commentary helps. If nothing else it boosts a fragile ego. So, hopefully I shall get the next chapter up soon. :)


In other news, read Laurell K Hamilton's latest book, Blood Noir. I must say, I liked parts of it and I didn't. The beginning was ok, just a bit boring. It set up the rest of the story, so I realize the necessity. But I was sitting there reading and thinking, "when, when is the violence going to come in??" And then when it did, woohee, what a doozee! When that major thing happened in the middle, I was in awe of a stellar idea. I was so excited at all the possible directions this could go. And then the ending. The ending left me a bit wanting. It was good, but it felt a bit rushed. I'll be honest, this felt more like Micah to me. :( Oh well. And damn if Richard doesn't just piss me off. He reminds me sometimes of me ex, which is just terrible. And then, some of the stuff he did!!!!! And what Anita took back, that was an awesome idea. And what happened with Jason after the middle was just kewl. Anyways, the ending made me want more in an unfinished perspective. But the middle kicked ass. It just rocked. I can't wait for the next book. I'm happy to know she's already working on it. Hopefully, Edward will be there. :D I love Edward. He just kicks ass.

And that's all for now.


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