Monday, June 2, 2008


Almost there. I am so close to finishing this chapter! I know exactly where I want to end. And I am proud to say that I have a good bit of hte story planned out. The ending, that is. I have all these different pieces colliding into an amazing finish in my head, and I'm so excited! I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget. I'm bringing together a lot of the older pieces, which I found rereading the story, and a few new ones I'm introducing in this chapter here. So far, I'm at ten pages. Wow. That's my longest chapter yet! I think it's because I have a lot of talking in the beginning, though. The word count is only second highest. I guess I should say I think the page count is the longest. I never did go and look up chapter fourteen's page count. Lazy, me? Anyways, I can't wait for everyone to read this chapter. I'm really liking where it was going. I hit a bit of a wall, but damn if I didn't overcome it. I even liked how I overcame it. It was a nifty idea, I thought. You all will have to tell me what you think.

In the meantime, it is a good possibility that I might go to bed now. I haven't been getting as much sleep as I need, and as such I feel super tired at a paltry midnight!


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