Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Busy, Busy Bee

Ok, so took a family vacation at my house, so we've been doing quite a bit. I got pretty good at writing, and then suddenly I'm just too tired! I'm going to try and write more tonight. I've discovered that I suck at planning ahead in writing, cause generally it changes as I write it. I did, however, make some astounding connections in my own story. So woot on that front. In other news, visited some local caverns today, and it was just too cool. Amazing some of the natural wonders in the world. I've been away from the nature front for a bit too long, I think. I got a cool cd that they played during a bit of the cavern walk, and I got a cool bat shirt with several sayings on it, my favorite being 'guano happens.' If you don't know what guano is, look it up. And I must say, there are some obvious stuff about bats that I thought everyone new and turns out they don't. Like, for example, that there are those that eat bugs and those that eat fruit. And, the floor of the cavern is... on the floor! That was probably the funniest question of the night. Anyways. Off to write I am, I am.


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