Sunday, June 8, 2008

Making Headway

Ok, so not a lot to report, but something. Which is always better than nothing. By the time I got to writing today the creative juices were kind of dead and didn't feel up to writing. So I outlined. To be honest, I didn't know where I wanted to go next. Outlining definately helped. I got the entire next chapter outlined. And I know how to start the next, next chapter. Hopefully, this begins to start tieing stuff together. I'm bringing back some old points at earlier chapters, to give the story a rounded feel. I actually feel like I am getting near an ending. Woohoo. It's kind of short, I think. But I think even thinking of an ending is pretty good for me. I think for quite some time I had trouble picturing an ending. I feel bad ending my story. Its kind of like a series I want to go on forever. Like Case Closed or something. :D Oh well. All good thins must come to an end, and I hate stuff that doesn't end. And I like my ending. I really like how it will go. Should throw you guys for a loop. I see a sequel in my head, to fix the ending, but honestly I don't think I'll write a sequel. Just not that interested in writing one. What I can't wait for is the experience of having finished a piece of work. I feel glad that I could have posted it and gotten instant feedback. That, if nothing else, kept me going through thick and thin. However, at the same time, I feel bad that I posted it. It sooooo needs an edit. Maybe I'll edit it, maybe I won't. I just know that I hate reading summaries where people edited a story and are reposting it. It just bugs me. And I don't want to do that. At the same time, I hate leaving my story crappily done. Maybe I will repost it, though. But will I lose all my reviews? I know on mediaminer that I will lose the count of how many people have read my story. :( Oh well. We'll see. Let's just finish the story first. I can say that getting this far into a story, and getting such great feedback, has inspired me to actual writing. I keep thinking of stories that I want to write, and I am beginning to get the ego needed to write. We'll see.

I'm reading Twilight again. It's not as good as the first time I read it, becuase the first time through you still have the mystery. But it's still good. I'll definately be going to watch the movie in theatre. All the way in December... *Sigh* I want to see it now! I can't wait for the next Batman movie, either! I'm going to the midnight viewing, too! I need to buy some batman gear first, though. I just love Christian Bale. *Yummy Sigh* The Host was great, by the way. Didn't think I would really like it, and was all prepared not to buy it, and then I did. And boy was that sucker good. I kind of want a second book, but at the same time it's done to me. She doens't need more. Her world is pictured and working out. And I might add what a nasty trick there at the end! Ah well. I can't wait to get somebody to discuss it with. I think I have abnormal views on it. Communism anyone?

And finally that is all. I should be able to get something written tomorrow, but damn if I don't work later. Working later tends to kill any urge I have to write. So we'll see. If nothing else, maybe I'll just outline some more. Outlining is fun. :D

Cheers and Tchao Everyone!


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