Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Nutin and Nada

I haven't written anything lately, at all, since the last time I said I did - only a couple of days, but... I am ashamed of myself, but things just got away again. They keep doing that. It's like I just don't have enough time in the day. But then, no one else does either. So, nothing new to report. In fact, I wrote myself into a corner. I wrote, and then I didn't like how it was going and got stumped. I don't know how to finish the scene, which sounds like I'll need to delete a shitload and start over. Not very motivating, that. However, I have found time to squeeze more reading in. I love reading, and haven't been doing enough since I started this semester of school, so I've been working at squeezing that in. Maybe now I need to physically and mentally work at squeezing writing in. I think I just don't have the same care for writing as reading. It seems like I am getting no where, and it takes forever to write a scene that takes a few minutes to read. Here is the comparison: read a book in a few hours and go on this wild adventure with romance and hot, sweaty smut... or try and type for three hours a scene that is a few pages long and doesn't seem to excite my readers very much... Which one would you choose? And if you are a martyr/saint, don't answer. I expect everyone to be selfish and say, duh, the book. If it was only so. I'll have to work harder at it, I suppose. I think I now of a good time to squeeze it in, so, maybe Thursday I can get it in. Tomorrow is out. I got to classes, in between classes I go to an interview, and then I go to work. Busy day tomorrow, and I'm not really looking forward to it. I hate when I don't have two seconds to just sit and breath. I think tomorrow is definitely going to be one of those days. Ah well. Anyways, I'm done with my spiel today.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Poetry to Fiction

I wrote something today. I know, y'all will just have to calm your beating hearts. It's such a shock. :D I know. It's a shock for me too, for the record. I think I work best under procrastination, and since I was supposed to be doing some boring homework, voila! However, I read something, actually for my poetry class, that I thought was applicable to writing fiction as well. To write, you have to set time aside each day to do it. I think late night will have to be my time. Or maybe right when I get out of classes. The author said that if you set aside time - an appointment, and you consistently go to that appointment without being late or skipping out, then so will your imagination, your creativity, your everything. So, my new not New Year's resolution is to set aside time for writing and write everyday. For the record, the book was much more eloquent. Anyways. I only wrote a little, just the first part of the reaction to the finger tip - 3 pages. So the next chapter is far from being done. But hopefully, I will write more tomorrow. Even though I am already thinking that I won't have time tomorrow. I'll have to just make time.

So here is to resolutions. May I learn to keep them, like losing weight. that one is a never ending one that doesn't seem to be going anywhere.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Quick Update

Just a quick update: I have written nothing. Super, super busy with everything, and more, at once. So, while I have the next part planned out, I don't have time to write. I thought I should let people know since this is going to end up being a long time between updates.

No one let me know about the color thing on mediaminer, and no one seems to know whose finger that is... I'm mentally smacking my head, going why does no one remember? Only one person said it so far, and they had like three guesses. Oh well, until the next chapter then.

Let me know what you guys think about anything, hopefully about my stories and blog - review and talk to me!


Friday, January 18, 2008


Can anyone tell me why all my text went blue after a hyperlink came up in chapter 11 of Ultimatum on mediaminer???????????????? I went to try and edit it, but I would have had to redo the entire chapter - as in re-upload it. :( It makes me sad.... Oh well... And I've only gotten three total reviews... I'm spoiled on reviews, I think. Oh well.... :D That's all I wanted to ask...


Thursday, January 17, 2008


YES! I updated! It took forever, but finally I just sat and said to myself: we are going to write. WEEEE! It was gruesome, and I like the cliffhanger, and I think it flowed pretty well, so cool!m I went back through all of my chapters and wrote a list of points I needed to cover, so things came pretty quickly for writing. Since I'm starving and need to go get dinner, I'll finish this off quick.

Two points, Chapter 10 of Ultimatum and my second one shot Perfect Impressions, didn't get very many reviews anywhere! I was wondering why... It made me sad, especially because I usually do much better. My first one shot had way more reviews. And I didn't get that, since it was a continuation. I think next time I'll post the second one shot in a series up as a second chapter to the first one. And I forgot my second point, so that's all. ENJOY!


Monday, January 14, 2008

Long Impasse

Sorry for the long impasse, but I've been super busy. I've started up school again - came off break, so I had to move in, handle some busy work, and actually go to my classes. I also have been working, going to the dentist, etc. etc. etc. But fear not, I have not abandoned anything. I'm just too tired to write right now. I'm working on changing that, so here we go. I think I have some ideas for the next chapter, we'll see. And that's it. I just wanted to let everyone know what was going on between my long updates - which is what this blog is for. Enjoy everyone!


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Baboom, Baby!

Baboom, Baby! I have finally updated! Que "We are the Champions" song!

Woot! It took me forever to update, but that is life. I've been somewhat busy with work - as in I sleep, wake up, go to work, come home, eat, sleep. It is a vicious cycle. :D But, I have done it. I conquered the cycle. I have done a few other things as well. I finally figure out how I am going to start the next chapter of Ultimatum, and will be doing so as soon as I feel like it. More importantly to me, since I have been waiting for myself to make this list forever, is a list that details the next two years (only two entries for 2009 yet...) of all the book, manga, and tv series releases that I follow. It is great! I can look at it and go, YES!, that book is coming out and I now remember about it! Either tomorrow or the next day - really today or tomorrow I guess, I will be heading to Barnes and Noble to fulfill the four book/manga list of January. WOOT! I can't wait for all of the tv series to be coming out, either! Anyways, that's been about it.

I have nothing else to update. I was getting lonely for lack of updates, so I updated. :D That is all!


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Another One Shot?

This is just a quick update. I HAVE SEVENTEEN REVIEWS ON MY ONESHOT! AHHH! I am soooo excited! They like me - they really like me! Gah!

Ok, now that that is out of the way. :D I haven't thought of where the next chapter of Ultimatum will go. I think I will reveal more of the 'ultimate' bad guy and that plot. Hmm... I need to be moving the romance forward as well, so something there. I think the past is ok for now. In another chapter or two I will have Hiei relive something again, I think. OOOOO... Good idea just popped into my head. When you guys read it, since I can't say it here, it should be obvious. But, more is coming to me, I will throw in a twist. :D Let's see if you expect that baby! Hehe.

Also, in a kind of continuation of the one shot, I will do more. I was thinking that I wanted to write another one shot because of the freedom it gives an author. You don't have some long story to write, no serious history to explain, and you really only have the few points, if more than one, to get across. And to finish it! It's like finishing a long story and getting reviews right away! It's inspiring! Anyways, I was thinking that this baby was done and gone. Don't really have a story to build off of it with, and I don't want to just stress what I have by making it seem like I should. Then, a couple people kept mentioning things like marriage, angry Keikos, Inuyashas, etc. Of course, I don't want to use all of these. But I was thinking of another short one shot, more along the lines of a drabble probably, of a wedding. I can see it my head. And no, :D, I am not going to say it here and spoil it. But, I can't wait. I'll have to think on it some more. This is good. I now have something for the next chapter of Ultimatum and another one shot. The only thing left hanging, besides my previous two stories that we all know are getting out on the back burners, is the other one shot I started. I want to finish that one. But I believe it is third on the to do list. :D I HAVE A TO DO LIST OF STORIES! OMG. This never seemed possible in my future. Do you see what reviews do to me? I love them! I am so giddy and ecstatic right now! Unfortunately, I am also going to bed. We'll see if it lasts that long!

Goodnight everyone!
Thank you for reviewing!

Quick question: does anyone know how to get a counter on here that shows how many people have visited the site like mm.org and ff.net?


Saturday, January 5, 2008


I finished my first one shot! :D It wasn't the one I was just talking about writing, but the old one I was talking about a while ago. :D I wanted to write something, but not on Ultimatum or the other one, so I wrote this. I liked it, thought it was funny, and am hoping everyone else thinks so too. :D Unfortunately, I don't yet know where I want to go with Ultimatum. I'll have to think about it. It's why the last chapter ended with no cliffhangers. :D Please, everyone, let me know what you think! Are my one shots worth it? Or, rather, one shot. :D Read and review!


Thursday, January 3, 2008


Woohoo! New chapter AND I wrote for two different stories all in one night. Sometimes I just outdo myself, or at least my current low standards. I barely started the chapter last night, and I finished it today. Granted, it is shorter, but still. It was better than just sitting there. AND, in like five minutes I had a review! Woohoo! That was awesome. Also tells you how short my chapter was. *sigh* I did also work on the short story I mentioned. I think it will just be a one shot, a really long one too. I think I am making it seem shorter, as in the style, less epic, and I am trying to move things along faster. We'll see how that works. It is again a Hiei x Kagome, but it is AU completely. I don't know how many of the old characters I am even going to bring in. Hm... More characters means more character development, which means more work, which means longer one shot, which finally means longer time away from posting. We'll see. Maybe only a few characters. We'll have to see how people like this one shot. Anyways, I am going to bed - at least two to three hours earlier than normal. but there ya go. :D Have a good night everyone, and please review! Here, too, so I know that more than one person reads this (THANK YOU madmiko!)!


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The only thing is...

Ok, so I just had to post this as a monument of my achievement. I wrote my blog, and then I went and wrote something! Woohoo! I started writing, didn't get far in only a bit of time, only two pages, but it got me out of my slump. The only thing is that it isn't on Ultimatum. It is a different story entirely, either a one shot or a small mini. It wasn't the one I was thinking of earlier, which was more of a drabble, but it cracks me up, so it should work out. :D I can't wait until I finish it! I will be so excited, just to finish something and to see what kind of reviews I get. It will be different from Ultimatum in style. I can't wait. I'm not going to say anything about it, but damn if I don't want to hurry up and finish. Instead, I'm going to go watch some more House, which I love. House cracks me up - smart ass, philosophical doctor that he is. :D


Never Fear!

I am alive. I apologize for not writing or posting anything lately. My mind has kind of been a drag lately. I'm not sure where to go with this fic right now, or rather for the next chapter. So, I have no written. I've been working some hellacious days, and I am getting sick, so I'm in a slump. I've just been watching tv or playing cards with family. Life is a bummer right now. But, I will write more. Never fear!

Happy New Year!

P.S. Does anyone else do anything for New Years? I don't even make goals or anything... And we didn't celebrate last night - I don't drink, and my family didn't feel up to playing games... Should I make a late New Year's Resolution? Would it be something like lose weight (fail every year), dust my room, which I haven't done in years (hate dusting knickknacks), or would it be more philosophical - change my life and way of thinking? Who knows... Maybe write something concrete. That would be an interesting goal to not finish, since I never finish these. That might just finish me off. To anyone who reads this, reply! Let me know about this outside world... :D