Sunday, December 28, 2008

What a Scoundrel Wants

As per contest guidelines, I will now give a review of the won book: What a Scoundrel Wants, by Carrie Lofty. There is a link here, at BN, for those of you interested. Just $3.99 without a member discount, and $3.59 with!

I have to confess I am late on everything this year, including this review, since the Holidays took over, and I'm picking up shifts at work. So, while having read the book a bit ago, I am just now posting. So if things seem a bit fuzzy, that's why. My copy is also upstairs while I sit cozily downstairs on the couch awaiting dinner. :)

So, the description. The book is about Will Scarlett, nephew of the Robin Hood, and how he has issues with Robin and himself. He meets a less than reputable woman who happens to be blind - Meg. They, of course, fall in love after quite a long time, but have various issues in romance and with Nottingham. Will is being set up and has to clear his name with the aid of Meg.

My points that I want to cover are as follows, when there is a giant SPOILER don't read it for obvious reasons...

  1. I didn't like the characters at first. Both have moral issues, Meg seemingly more than Will, and I have trouble liking characters that aren't "nice". I am a boring traditionalist in my characters, I know, and I'm sure it says something lacking about my own character or something - I hate psychology. Will made me mad because he was being an immature dork towards Robin, AND he was originally working for the bad guy. Seriously, Will, after Robin Hood raised you, seriously? And Meg, she's kind of a bitch, and while she has reason to be, it angered me. It also angered me (although not at her but for her) that she was used by that one dude whose name started with an H that I can't remember. Love and sex and all that. :( But, I did eventually get into them. It took a little, and only in the sense of being able to like them, but I did. They changed for the better, and it made the book good for me.
  2. I'm not a fan of historical characters. This one is more a preference, so for those of you who don't like them either, that's what it is about. It wasn't done badly, just not my preference.
  3. I hated the sister. It makes me really not want to read the book on her, the sequal. Granted, she hung the flowers in the home, which speaks of a buried tenderness. Same issue here, I don't like morally despicably characters. I'm sure she will change, but (SPOILER) it didn't seem in the preview of the next book that she would get with Jacob, which made me sad. She also never thanked her sister, ever! And, she hated Will for chucking her into jail, but she was doing something illegal. :( (END SPOILER) I dunno, I just don't like her too much.
  4. SPOILER! When Will was captured and hanging from the pull, and he killed him by (I assume) breaking his neck, he came back later. Explanation? Was he not dead? Was this supposed to be Dryden or something?
  5. Great job with Dryden. Nice. :)
  6. SPOILER - Marian kind of made me mad. She was part of the reason why Will had issues, and she just let him live with it, and get him in trouble with everyone he knew. Real shitty.
  7. SPOILER - I liked when Meg was ditched in the woods near the end.
  8. SPOILER - it didn't seem like Finch played too big of part, and it seemed like he should have. He's the sheirff, typical Robin Hood aspect.
  9. I liked Meg's work. Cool stuff. Village people piss me off. Prejudiced smhucks.
  10. There's more, but I'm having trouble remembering it all...
  11. I like how we didn't have to wait forever for sex. Yeah, I know. Honestly, it's not the reason why I read these books, but based on their romance it was nice to have a change.
  12. I liked the dog. :) Too bad he wasn't in there more.
  13. Little John, stinky? I wanted him clean! Like the bear in the Disney version... :)
  14. I liked the interaction between Will and Meg, even though I didn't really like either one at first.
  15. That's all I can think of right now. I'll add more later if I can think of it.

Overall opinion, good book, well written. It didn't take long to get into it, even though it took me a bit to get into the characters. It didn't draw me in like a book that I wanted to read in a day, but it was good. Interesting book. The ending was a bit rushed though, it seemed like; all the development, which was good development, was in the beginning, but it left the ending feeling a bit hollow. I don't know if extending the ending would have made it better, or if just more development would have been better. Maybe more of the sister? I dunno. The climax didn't seem to be near the ending, but more the end of the middle. I also don't know if I shall buy another book of this author. It was serious. For those of you who have read Julie Garwood, you know what I'm looking for - lighthearted. This was good, but a bit more serious, which certainly isn't bad, just not what I was looking for.

If anyone has any questions, feel free and ask. I would recommend the book to those who like this type of genre. It was a good book.

THANK YOU ANN AND CARRIE FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO READ THIS BOOK!!!! If either of you have any other questions that you want me to answer, feel free and ask!

~Nicole M.

Friday, December 26, 2008

A Post! A Post! A Post!

Yeah, I wrote something. You would hope so, I know, since the darn thing is so short. It wasn't an Ultimatum chapter, but a Supernatural drabble, so all interested head on over. It is on both sites. :) So far, no reviews. :( It's been up for a while. A few days. I've been too busy to post. Darn holiday season is getting to me. Finally, next week, I'll have some decent time off. I want to play games, but I suppose I am obligated :) to write. We shall see. All of you have happy late and early holidays!


PS - a review of What a Scoundral Wants is coming!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


I know, I know. I suck at life. LIFE. I still haven't wrapped presents. I still have to clean my room. But, since I work early tomorrow, I'm going to bed. I worked today, and just got home. Sooo, no writing. But, on a good note, I won 15 or so bucks. :) Lunch money! Hopefully, soon. This Christmas thing takes up a lot of time!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Migraine and Slacking

T'is all.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

- 1

If you can believe it, I was so caught up in Gremlins at three in the morning that I forgot to write... Before that was Thunderheart. Nice movie. Hopefully, I shall only be a day late...


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

As of Now...

As of now, I've written nothing. I've worked, and gotten out an hour and fifteen minutes late, so I'm not feeling to much into writing right now. Which means later tonight that I'll be writing that short story. To be technical, I have until I go to bed before the day 'ends', so until like two in the morning. So... until then I'm going to watch Burn Notice. :) It's going to be a really small story. :)


Monday, December 15, 2008

All Done!

Yeah! I'm done! As of 7 pm, I am done! Granted, I was supposed to be done at 5 pm... but I procrastinated, and I don't think they will care about a few hours... Who has a 5 o'clock deadline anyways?? What happened to midnight?? Anyways, I'm done. I thought I did a decent job, but both of my essays from before were B-'s. I'm ashamed of that, but can't quite figure out how to fix it... Oh well. I should still get an A... hopefully... PLEASE! No grades have been posted yet. Although for sure in one French class, I have an A over 100%! Huzzah!

As of yet, no writing. Instead, I went and bought manga! :) Who needs Christmas money? Certainly not me... I've got a credit card... :D

In other new, I've finally gotten my sister to read The Host by Stephanie Meyer. I like that book the best out of all hers, better than Twilight. :) My sister likes it so far, and that's saying something since she was one of the rare people who didn't like Twilight. :)

So, I should have a new chapter in two more days. That is my goal. But I'm going to the mall tomorrow. Maybe biking it. We shall see. Don't know if I want to carry all those presents back. Or if I'll have time to bike. :) OR, I might just do a short story - is a one chapter called a short story?? - of Supernatural... Evil of me, I know.

Right now I'm really feeling the need to edit Ultimatum. I know, I know, don't bother editing until you are done. I agree with that, which is so why I'm not touching it. I would never finish the darn thing if all I did was edit. Plus, I hate finding fanfiction that has been edited, but not finished. My mistakes will just have to live on. If I ever become an author, I'm never owning up to what I've written for fanfiction... :) It wouldn't hold up to par.

Also, I think I need to develop a character before I can have a story. I think I might have said that already, but I can't remember, and I don't want to go back and reread all my posts... Laziness!

And that is all for now. :) I'm off to read the last of three mangas that I just bought. It's a new series for me, the third one, anyways. The column on the left will tell you which other series I just got into. I bought 5 and 6 of that one. Just about killed me when I found out that the next one is not coming out until March. Skip Beat comes out every other month... >.> I adore Skip Beat, by the way. That is, hands down, my favorite managa! Anyways, I think the new comic is called Monkey High... Also, I haven't been putting American comics on that list (they make me think of fanfiction, like one chapter, cause they are so short!!). I read two, more like one but buying two: I just read the comic of Mercy Thompson: Homecoming by Patricia Briggs. She has a book series, and this is a prequel (kinda) to the series. I like it so far. :) But, I'm more addicted to manga than comics. I want to start X-Men, but damn if there aren't too many to get caught up on. Maybe I'll just start a new series of X-Men. Also, anyone else see the trailer for Wolverine??? Hotness!! Anyways, but the Laurell K Hamilton adaptions, but I'm not too sure I like them. I don't read them... I buy them for collecting...

Anyways again!

~BK :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

One Day Closer

I am one day away from unofficially being done with the semester! Woohoo!

Now, granted, this means I still have two tests, one paper, and half of a final that was takehome to do. The last two are why it's unofficially. Or I suppose officially with a technicality. Anyways, it should all be done by Monday at 5 pm, when English is due. I still have to read Moby Dick, though. Cramming that in this weekend is going to be a pain. :(

Soooo, after the technicality, I should be able to get down to writing. :D I've forgotten everything, again, but what else is new?

Also, my plan for quick money is to write a Harlequin to help pay off mounting school debts!! Aahh!

Now, off to study, buy comics, and sell plasma for cash to once again fix up my car. Darn thing...


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I won! I won! I won! :D

I won an ARC of Carrie Lofty's new book. Nope, haven't read any of hers before. Can't say anything about it yet, but by January 2 (I think that was the date...) I shall. I'm very excited. I love a great romance. My favorite author is Julie Garwood in romance. She just flat out is. But, hers are historical romance, so I guess she kind of rocks only that genre (ignoring her contemporary stuff, which are good as well, but I think I have to side with Janet Evanovich in contemporary mystery.). Which is good, because that means I just have more fav. romance authors. My point, then, is that I am looking for someone else to read along the same lines as her. I'm hoping Carrie Lofty is it. Any advice anyone? And for the record, I am a hardcore fan of old romance, such as damsel in distress, hunky sweet yet gruff men. Honestly, I skip past the sex parts once I've read them once or twice. They kind of bore me. It's all the same after a while. *sigh*

Other news. I have rediscovered Sparknotes in my really shitty semester of school where I haven't been reading everything I'm supposed to be. I seriously have a case of senioritis going on. I know, wrong year. But I don't want to do ANYTHING. It's pathetic, and I am depressing myself with this condition. I don't like to be one of those people that doens't do what she is supposed to. I know, my fault, and I can hop back on the horse. It's just a bit more difficult than one would think when trying to read Emerson and Moby Dick and Thoreau. All pain the butts, they are. But, BUT, Sparknotes has a whole bunch of the stuff I was supposed to be reading. :) I love Sparknotes, and not just in the way of getting out of reading, but as in reading as a side note, or as notes, or as review. They have a lot more than just literature on there, and I am often tempted just to go take a look at it all and be amused. I love to learn. I just need motivation.

No writing, again. But, one more week after this one and I am done. DONE!

Also, I found a fanfiction, on, that I like quite a bit. It could use some work, but I love the story. I could have sworn it was sort of kicked off or something before, but apparently not. Or the author reposted. Whichever. But I reread it all, and I can't wait for an update. If you all think I am bad, this author hasn't updated in a year. She plans to, as of September of this year she is still acknowledging it, but who knows how long it could take. I want you all to remember this important lesson when thinking how long it has been since I have updated. :) Also, if you want to find it, it is a Sesshy Kags fic, so under Inuyasha. Type in dance and injury in the search box. I think you get two possibilities, if not just look. Kags was a dancer, got beat up by her old bf and possibly won't be able to dance again. She begins to connect with Sesshy. Pain in the ass ex boyfriend story. :) Can't wait for an update.

That's it for now. I just had to post that I won something. :)


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Minor Updates

In between falling into Homework Hell and climbing back out, I got nothing done. At least, nothing constructive towards writing.

Work is busy and getting busier.

I got five points back on an assignment I didn't do so well on. :)

I feel like a dork cause I posted like five times on a certain website saying that the stupid link to my blog wouldn't show up. I posted three times, the first one with the link. The second two showed up, the first didn't. I posted like four times after that trying to get it to work. Nada - or at least on my screen. I gave up. Went back today, and guess what had appeared? All of them! Loser, I can be. Technology is not my friend.

I'm reading a book I'm not entirely a fan of, and am debating selling it afterwards, except that I'm debating collecting all the books of that author. I think for her, with me, her books are a hit or miss thing. This is one of those misses. *sigh*

I saw Twilight. What to say?... It was oriented towards a younger audience than the books. It was good, not great, but good. I liked a few things they added/changed quite a bit. Jasper reminds me perpetually of Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka. He just does. Edward didn't seem all that intelligent at times. Rosalie kicked ass. Edward bugged me whenever he talked to Charlie. They could have added so much more if they had done some internal dialogue like they did at the beginning throughout the movie of Bella. Afterall, it was a first-person book. When everyone leaped together in the baseball field, looked hokey. All "running" looked hokey. Climbing kicked butt. Rosalie was great. Alice not so sure. Emmet was great as well. Not entirely sure I liked Esme. Carlisle seemed strange half the time. I have a nice, happy, very happy, new respect for James being the new hot man on the block. He didn't seem overly anything in the pic I saw outside the movie. In the movie, his hair sucked. But, BUT, he was a sexy, badass villain. Attractive in his evilness!!! I liked, a lot, how there was more than one race at school. Kudos to the director on that note. I think I like Eric better as a perky guy than before. Annddd... I think that's it for now. It was a decent move, especially as a book adaption. They covered all the main points, but it kind of felt like they were just sequencing it all too fast with no building. Again, the internal dialogue would have done wonders. Overall, it was good. Young, but good. I can see why it got bad reviews, being expected as a movie for all ages. It definately adds a new/interesting dimension to the book. I suggest seeing/reading them both for the full experience. Now I just need to see Bolt. And Madagascar Two. And Role Models. And maybe Zack and Kiri. Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist was ok. I really liked all the side characters much more than the two main. Probably not a good thing when that happens

I was reading that book mentioned above and in the book someone just popped a raspberry in his mouth fresh off the vine. Nice, right? Nope. The only idiotic thing I could think of was that he hadn't washed it. How reflective in our society that we feel ingrained to wash fresh produce. Bugs, fertilizer, pesticides. Obviously, not used in this fantastic private garden. Or he just has fewer health compunctions than I do. I'm thinking the pesticides are out - the gardner uses manure. Anyways, it just bugged me and I had to share.

Here's a question. Has anyone seen the art of telling the future through a painting anywhere else than in Heroes and that new movie with super-powers in it? My friend told me the director or something of the movie tried to sue someone of Heroes for stealing the idea. I could have sworn it has been done before. It seems so obvious! I have yet to think of an instant.

I think that is it for now.

My shoes are beginning to fall apart at work. I think it is time to buy some new ones. Dang.

Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving! Unlike Christmas, if you are American you should be celebrating this one, regardless of the negative hype of Columbus and the stupid stuff he did. I kind of want to go back in time and shoot the man. Only, if I did, being my pretty white self, I would probably not exist. Which means I kind of have to support him in a way. How bizzare.

Monday, November 24, 2008

I know what a scoundrel wants!


Again, a contest. I have written nothing, as I am behind on homework and everything is coming due now! Now! However, I can always make time to read stuff, and that includes my short list of blogs. Soooo... I have contest to post. :)

This is the link for a contest for the new book of Carrie Lofty by Ann Aguirre, I'm trying to figure out how to put a widget in my post...

I think I did it in a seperate post... so we shall see...

Head on over there and check it out, cause she has many, many books to give away!!!


P.S. The semester is almost over, and when that day comes I am going to write, I swear! You shall have a chapter up almost immediately!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Supernatural Fanfiction?

Should I or should I not? That is the question... I thought of a random tiny drabble of Supernatural, and I think that I might go ahead and write it. It amuses me, and would be quite short. Haven't ever gone out of Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho fanfiction before, and here I am leaving anime all-together. Huh. We shall have to wait and see. I do like the term wincest, that one amuses me. Hehe. I have a dirty mind. Unfortunately, my little drabble wouldn't be at all dirty. I think I shall write it. :)


Thursday, November 13, 2008


There, I updated! Granted, it was a short chapter, but a chappie nonetheless. I am once again ashamed to admit I forgot most of what happened. How sad. I'm all like going back chapters to remember what the heck I wrote. I surprised myself at several points... I definately forgot what I wrote. So, I'm thinking I'm going to have to go back and reread all that I have written. I kind of cringe at the thought, since the story kind of sucks in the beginning. I know this, but I don't really want to edit it and fix it up. Rule is don't edit seriously like that until you are done, otherwise you shall forever be caught up in edits. If it had been me as a reader, I wouldn't have gone on unless I was desperate for something new to read. And my summary kind of sucks too... *sigh* Anyways, I updated. I did write, obviously, after my last post, but it wasn't as much as I would have liked since I had to leave and I can't really go farther until I reread.

In other news, there is none. :) So far everyone has kind of liked the chapter, which is good. I'm trying to keep people in character, and I really think I succeeded. For those you thinking about Yukina, think on. :) There is your hint, faithful blog readers.

So I was thinking, this probably would be a decent story to have standing on its own, as in note as fanfiction. I wouldn't mind doing this, either. I wrote the whole thing in the first place, so it would only really seem like a second draft. I would just really have to change up all the characters. It would be a fun project to do, I think. Maybe, after I finally finish this, I can start there. When trying to actually write a whole story, I seem to have trouble with getting down a plot, and characters. So far, I can run in fanfiction with a simple plotline and have it change to its heart's content. However, through the shows, the characters are all well developed. That is where I need to start, making really in-depth characters that are revealed slowly in the story. My goal for whenver I finish then.

Did anyone else read about the "cure of AIDS"? I was totally excited when I heard about it, but it turns out that this isn't a new thing. Apparently, in an older study of almost the same thing that these guys did cured two people. So, we probably aren't that much closer to an AIDS cure than before. Still, it's cool. Imagine the thoughts of that guy - leukemia and AIDS, and then wham! down to one. Still shitty with leukemia, but just a little bit better. I hope, for his sake, that it doesn't come back. Six months and counting. And, I happen to think that it kicks ass that there are people who can't get HIV, period. People can inherit a gene from both parents that prevents the HIV virus from attaching to cells (or so I understand - don't quote me!). I really want to go and get checked to see if I can't get it - that would just make my day, and probably month. My friend tells me, since he has looked into stuff like this for years, that the likely people to be safe from HIV are those that have ancestors that had the black plague. Apparently, the virus of HIV is really similar to the black plague, so those that survive built up an immunity to it. The area is kind of upper/central Europe, I believe. How cool is that? That's one of those useless facts that you will probably never use nor ever forget. :) I can't wait to share it with more people.

In an editorial in my school paper, someone brought up the stupidity of black people being allowed to call each other "nigger" without it being deemed racist. Not fair - should be bad for everyone.

Also, who the fuck cares what type of dog Obama gets his little girls? Yeah, it will be cool to see a cute puppy that becomes the First Dog, but really, can the type of dog speak for anything politically? No. End of story.

And that is all. I expounded on everything, so enjoy it! Respond!


In a Bind

So I read In a Bind, by Stephanie Bond, and I'm debating whether or not I like it. It was well written - she is a great author, and one of my fav romance authors. Yet, her story bugged the hell out of me. Her two main characters have an affair, both with other people and one of them about to get married. The ending kind of left me wanting - it was not a don't cheat ending. I don't believe in cheating, and it kinda pissed me off that this book put a happy spin and ending on it. Shame on the characters. :( I was just so disappointed that I had to come and point it out.


PS I'm off to write. I know, contain your cheer. I have to decide what I want to write it on. I want to write on Ultimatum, but I'm in the middle of NaNoWrimo... Choices, choices. I think I'll leave off of NaNoWrimo for now, and crash on that when I need to beat my sister for the bet. Cause I'm really feeling in a fanficy mood. Really, really, really fanficy. :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day!

Happy Vet's Day to all vets out there! Thanks for saving our country time and time again, thanks for all you do!

I happen to have a passel of family members that are currently enlisted or were. So, this day has some nice importance here.

So I've written nothing, which shouldn't be a surprise to any of you. I realize how sad that sounds. NaNoWrimo is a bust this year, I think. One thing after another lately. I'll just have to write a bit at the end to win a bet and get a complimentary foot rub. :) Honestly, with how much else is going on and how busy I am, I don't even feel bad about not doing - it's not like I'm being lazy, or have nothing else going on. Of course, I do recognize that to succeed at anything like writing and being an author, you have to make time in your busy schedule. I know. I guess my problem is just not being empassioned about any tale that absolutely needs to be told. Ultimatum is kind of at a standstill in my head, so I'm not feeling any need to get back to it right away. We are going to have to see how well this path is going to travel.

I had to get four new tires this weekend, partly why I had no time to write. My savings are going dowwwwnnn.... How sad.... Also two birthdays and a holiday. More dooowwwnnn.... I kind of had an extended holiday - I attended one class on Monday! And that was only for a test. But, I bought a cheap movie about a mouse, Mouse Hunt, and an African Sounds cd - I like it quite a bit and am enjoying my purchases. :)

I got a comment, just now - or at least some time today, on a post back in July. This came as a shock to me. Pllleeeaaassseee comment again and tell me more - what exactly of that post did people need to read??? Was it about my story?? Or was I supposed to follow a link??? And why the heck did you read all the way back to July? I know I don't have a lot of posts, but wow. Please talk to meeee!!!

And that is all. I am busy being engrossed in Trickster's Queen, by Tamora Piece. I put of reading this duo of books by her since I'm not too keen on moving through generations of characters, but I have ended up really liking this series. Her main character is a spy, and it is interesting to see just how far her web is spreading. I only wish she had made the series longer, and extended all that is happening. She could have gone into so much more detail, especially with all the information and spies and networks! Unfortunately, I am able to predict where most of this is going. A tad bothersome, but the book is good. I do so love Tamora Pierce. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

OBAMA the 44TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEAH! I voted and my votee WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rock on, Obama!

I'm not political, so I won't get more into it than that. However, and it is a rather sad and depressing yet truth of this country that I speak of this, please don't get assassinated. Stay safe. Don't become more than a swift martyr. We have had enough of those.

In other news, nothing written. I'm beginning to think that I have signed up for NaNoWriMo for nothing. At the same time, I feel validated in how I am spending my time. I went to the bookstore, and in a matter of two trips I bought seven books, and would have bought another had it been in stock. First day of five books, I read two - one small the other big. It was great. I slowly started a YA that I am familiar with while waiting for Swallowing Darkness to come out. It came out, on election day. How perfect is that? So... I read the comic I bought today with SD, giggled aloud, watched election news for a couple hours while reading, moved on to SD and got absolutely shit done today. No homework, none. I am moving on to it now, sacrificing sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a hard day, Thursday an even harder one in all the homework I am trying to catch up on. I am finding that I am willing to shunt more and more aside as things get busier, and that is bad. I should be able to better manage my time than this, to get stuff done, to succeed in life. So far, my only gratification lies in maintaining that 4.0, which was harder than I expected this year. I kind of want to go back to being easy. Kind of. At the same time, I am enjoying the challenge and the material. Anyways, nothing written on anything. But, I am reading. My joy in life is once again a part of my daily routine. Finally. I missed it.

Ok, I lied. More politics

Arpaio is still on. Yes, that puts me in AZ. Not sure how I feel on that. I voted against him, but at the same time kind of wanted him to stay on. I like quite a bit of what he has done, but in other areas he has crossed the line. It almost reminds me of the movie coming out, Frost/Nixon. Don't know if I'll go see it, but there is this one striking line. "Mr. President, are you saying the president can do illegal things? -- No, I'm saying when the president does it, it's not illegal." Not properly quoted, I'm sure, but that is what I am reminded of. Arpaio has crossed a line, somewhere. So while I kind of like him, he has crossed that line and should thus be kicked out. Interesting that he stayed on. I thought for sure that he wouldn't make it another term. Very interesting. For that matter, I thought AZ would go blue. I really wanted it to, but in the end I am glad McCain at least kept his own state. He had a great "I lost" speech. Glad I watched it, honorably done. It seemed memorized, as did Obama's. Do they both memorize a winning and losing speech for either instance? How strange to have to prep for that. I would fear of slipping between speeches and suddenly start spouting the wrong one. Major oops on national television.

Prop 102 won, which makes me very sad. It wasn't even by a small margin, which would have made it a bit more bearable. I had thought we could move forward in this. Perhaps next time we can get another prop out there to fix this one. I liked how in Obama's speech he mentions gays and lesbians. Very nice inclusion - definately touched more people that way.

Prop 105 lost, good.

And that's pretty much all I specifically remember voting for. I voted for more, but mostly just went down the line of democrats. Next time, I shall be better prepared. This time, I had two things to vote for: Obama and 102. Glad I won on at least one count.

Yet another matter. I disliked, when it was announced that Obama won and they cameras kept showing diffeent views of cheering people, that at one location it was all white people in a group, and at the other location it was all blacks in smaller groups. There are more than just the black/African Americans that voted for Obama, and while this is certainly a momentuous occasion for them, and I don't want to lessen that (perish the thought), I kind of felt slighted at that one location. And I'm white - I had the other bloody location. What about the other minorities that voted for him, that helped him win Florida and other states, that were continually mentioned by the newscasters (at least on my station)? Obama represnts the black man as president, but also the non-white man, which is much more than just black. I was kind of mad that they failed to represent this with their views. I'll probably get hate mail, or comments, if anyone ever reads this, because I recognize how racist this could be taken. Reverse-racism, is what I believe the term is called. If not, I made it up and it sounded good. I am offended as a white person by the one city, and yet also offended at the other city of only white people. I guess it is simply interesting, at the very least, that we still seperate into colors on national television celebrating a momentous, racial moment. We can't seem to overcome that hurdle, to move beyond being one or two groups, but all groups, because as the United States, that is certainly what we are.

For that matter, certainly useless at this point, but simple reflection. What about Jane the Plumber? Or Jane Sixpack? (It tickles me pink that it is hard to translate sixpack into another language like French.) OR, what about Jesus (is that even spelled right?? Hesus?) the Plumber? Or Jamal? Or any other racial name? I'm not enough of a connieseur of names to name too many more, so I shall cut it off there. I just feel the need to point out that Joe the Plumber is extremely limiting in what it translates as to the public. Maybe we should be challenging Joe with Jane or Jamal. Yet, for Obama to have done so, it would have seemed like throwing stones, which we all kind of hate. And I don't think that McCain really wanted to limit the group he was addressing - it was just a common phrase used.

And, I was rather pleased with out democratic audiene in Chicago vs. the republican one in Phoenix. When Obama was mentioned by McCain, the crowd booed. He trid to shut them up, and to his great credit he applauded his opponent and gave a great speech. When Obama spoke, and mentioned McCain and his greatness, the democrats politely clapped and cheered. We were more mature. Pointing it out now certainly isn't, but oh well. :)

Finally, less political but still in that arena. I felt like I should be whooping with joy like at football when your team scores and you win the game last minute. I went and listend to the theme song of Remember the Titans directly after the news, so I really had this feeling. Yet I couldn't really whoop. I went and told my roommate and her date that Obama just won, and I called a few people but that was it. I wanted that occasion where everyone is tensely waiting in all their Obama shirts and then cheer and hug and whatnot. I'll need to have a baby party next time. I want to whoop with joy, and be in a situation where I can. Definate goal in the next four years. And I'm not even a fan of football. Hehe. :)

I think it is great thing to finally have children in the Whitehouse once more. I would love to be there to see the changes wrought. So different from everything that we have now. So much more, more vivacity and life. I like how they won that new puppy to bring home. I laughed out loud at that. And then, everybody kept saying how they get to house-train a puppy in the Whitehouse. Does anybody else imagine a little a puppy ruining hugely expensive rugs that have been there for generations of presidents? I kind of cringed while lauging at that thought.

Democrats hold more seats in Congress now. Woot!

When I went to vote, I had to go in the afternoon since I was afraid I would miss my classes if I had to wait in line too long, and that would have majorly sucked with tests coming up. I also had to drive a bit to get there since I registered where my parents live, since I live there when not on campus. I was expecting at least an hour to two hour wait. Everyone even told me to expect a wait. So I packed an entertainment bag - a new boo, homework, candy, water, sweatshirt in case I got cold, etc. I got there... NO LINE! I was so shocked and surprised. I didn't even have to fight for parking in a really small parking spot. Afterwards I called my dad who had to come in the morning before work since he wouldn't be able to go afterwards, and he had to wait at least an hour. Hehe! Sweet reversal. So, I get in there. I have no idea what I am supposed to do, having no idea what even the setup is. I'm lead to the proper table, and they ask me, "Is this your first time voting? -- Yep! -- WE HAVE A FIRST VOTER OVER HERE!" And the whole room broke out into small cheering and clapping. It was great. I turned around and did a small bow, grinning all the time. It was awesome. We really empowered our first time voters this year. How awesome. Of course I can't say if they do the same thing every election, since this is my first. But I'm thinking it's rather special. At least it was to me. It occured two more times while I was filling out my ballot. :) Then, when I was done, my envelope, sealed with my own spit - making it rather more patriotic and individual, was slid into a box. And I was done. My very first vote. I almost forgot to write about this, which is why it is at the end of the post. It was overwhelmed by the election. Yet, it is hugely important. I felt a great connectione with my grandparents when I learned they vote, an vote democrat. I am loving that connection. It's another link between the family. One great moment in Obama's speech that I absolutely loved was when he spoke of a voter, I forget the name, who was casting her ballot at 106 years old. She is over a century old. Thinking in my fantasy-world, I want to go something along the lines of she seems kind of elven, when you can say over a century old. Or vampire or fairy or something. Elf sounds nicest. And Obama spoke of how she was born a generation after slavery, black and a woman, and she represented the change in America, the change of freedom and voting. Damn, that was an awesome point. If nothing else, I want to live that long to see the changes. That would be an awesome moment to be able to identify moments like that. Much more so that 'in my day' moments. :)

And finally, I think that is all I have to say on the election. *sigh* It is all done for another four years. Peace out.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Meager Updates

Meager updates:

Have written nothing for NaNoWriMo. Currently a failur. Everything keeps popping up.

Haven't done as much homework as needed this week.

My achievement? Voting. :) BO

Nothing on Ultimatum.

Maybe next week, if I write like 2500 words a day. Damn.


Friday, October 31, 2008


Yes, I think it is true. I just might try and participate in NaNoWriMo. Wow. I astound myself with this declaration. Think I forgot about writing each night? Kinda. Ok, yeah, I did. I forgot the night after I made that damn declaration, and then I worked, and then I carved pumpkins, and then bam my week was gone and I'm behind on homework again. What is my life coming to?? I seem to suck at time management. Anyways, I just decided now, like two minutes ago, that I want to participate this November. Might even get my sister to do it. She would like the idea. It is because of this site,, and their post on Halloween. By the way, Happy Halloween everyone! I'm not doing much of everything. Sometimes I hate holidays. On the other hand, I had a heyday eating lunch today, the lunchroom was all freshly decorated and we had costumes. Happy times. :) Let me just repeat that, :)! ! I love festive spirits! They make the holidays for me. That, and family.

Anyways, no new updates, and if I'm doing NaNoWriMo, probably not for a while. But I have a dream in my hands, it needs to be achieved!!

Talk to you all later. Let me know if anyone else is doing NaNoWriMo, and we can compare numbers!!!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

At Last, An Update

I did it again, I deleted a whole damn post. F***-it! I had a whole damn long post, ending on a happy note with some cool links, and it got screwed up again. Does anybody know how to freaking recover autosavevd drafts? Anyone at all? Cause I'm pissing myself off here SO much.

On the entire note of this post: started late and ended late, but wrote 902 words.

I'm going to bed to have some happy dreams to make up for a shit ending. G'night.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Quick Contest Post

Quick, a post! Anyone like coffee? They are giving away free coffee for the month of October here,, just go to their blog. They are organic! I love organic stuff! It's all about the gourmet, organic coffee for those of you who drink coffee. I happen to get three extra entries for blogging this, too. Enjoy everyone!


It's like New Years

I have a goal, it is to write. Tadah! I am going to try, at the end of the day, to write for an hour. That's it. If I am done with my homework and stuff by midnight, I will write until one, if I can stay up. I happen to like my sleep, so not sure how well this will work. For that matter, if I am up past one doing homework, it's a no-go. Again, I need sleep. I don't function too well without it. So you can probably surmise from this that I haven't gotten anything new written. I guess I need to restate that college can be challenging. And work - holidays increase the work load. Ah well.

Farewell and Adieu, non-commenters.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Check out me kewl widget. It's for a contest. Please, please, please let me win! It would be so nice to save that money and buy more off the list of need-to-buy-books. :)


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lack of Update and a bit of a Question

This is a post on the lack of updates. Turns out, family coming back into town takes up a lot of time, your sister in band takes up some time, and homework the rest. So, no new writing, which is rather disappointing for me. I want to make writing daily a habit, because making it a habit improves it. And by god, writing looks to be the only way to support the lifestyle I want. I was rather empowered by Ann Aguirre's blog here, I suggest you all go and read it!

In other news, French movies seem to be damn depressing. They like that shock-depressive moment that just destroys your mood. Why? Why must you ruin my mood? It seems like most of the French videos I have recently watched do this! I just watched one of a man with a seriously shitty life, that barely seemed to improve at the end, and that only by your interpretation and hope - so what, if you are French you are pessimistic and don't see his life improving? I just don't understand how this became so popular?? I've read in a variety of places that people, aka Americans, go to movies to escape. Great Depression or little recessions? Movie attendance increases. Because people use films to escape from the negative aspects of their lives. For me, that doesn't mean I want to go watch someone else's life that happens to be worse than mine - I want to watch something happen, or something that incites the adrenaline through fear or action. I don't want to go in depressed and leave depressed!! Do French people not attend movies to escape? Do they attend to put their lives in a better perspective? What? Why? Explain!

That is all.
Thank you.

P.S. Hopefully, this weekend I can update. I'm trying a new method of homework that will hopefully help - audio files of shit I'm suppossed to be reading. This is then compounded by my ipod dieing, completely and utterly. Guess that dip in the bathtub did it in afterall...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Argh! Repeat Randomness and Contests

Ok, so I write this damn blog post, really long, full of contest entries that got me double entries, and I go to post that damn post button, when low and behold blogger decides it not work! It deleted all my words! And I was stupid enough not to save!!! Argh! I hate when this happens. Now, I have to try and rewrite all that I have already forgotten, trying to remember whose blogs I posted to to win books and so on... Also, I forgot the randomness that I wanted to share! It was really good randomness!

For those of you who don't want to read all this, no new updates yet on writing. I'm hoping that I can finish the short in another session, maybe two. Right now it looks like I'm averaging one session a week. Pitiful. Some writer I'll ever turn out to be. Anyways, I'm hoping to get back on track with school and then write. I've even kind of suspended all reading outside school. :( Really depressing, that. Reading is my vice, my baby, my relief. And I don't even have the urge to read. I'm been restraining myself from going to the bookstore and getting all the new stuff that came out at the start of this month, because buying future distractions is not a smart way to go.

In other news, my fish is not dead. I swear to god I thought it was dead, head buried in the rock-thingies. I thought that all fishies died and turned upside down, but hey, there certainly isn't a fish god saying they can't get stuck in the rocks and die just to make things more interesting. Anyways, I thought Fantasia died, and I experienced major pangs of failure at the fact that I can't keep a fish alive. :( My plant is still kinda green. Kinda. Does it sound like I suck at life? This is like the halfway mark for me of moving out, and the damn fish dies. I just about had heart palpatations when it decided to unbury its head and swim around looking at me. There are two marks to successfully moving out of your parents house and living on your own. Contrary to popular belief, they are not laundry and learning to fend for yourself in the kitchen; rather, it is about buying a plant and keeping it alive (synonymous with a fish), and holiday decorations. When you can liven up your apartment or dorm or whatever with these basic necessities, then you know you are on your way to becoming a self-sufficient adult. I already have two totes of holiday junk, and a live plant and fish. Maybe, as the next step, I should buy a froggie companion for my beta. Do betas kill anything else in the tank? Mr/Ms. Fish-Fish doesn't look too violent...

Anyways, to the contest posts. I found like twenty different contests over the net the other day, and applied for everything! So, here they are. Most are still open, so all three people reading this can go apply for free books too! And for all of those contests that want my email, you can find it in my profile. :)

Book One: I Like You, by Amy Sedaris, is a book about entertainment - hosting parties, recipes, all that good stuff. The book is supposed to be great and unique. So I, of course, applied. The link is here, from fabulous Booking Mama, Contest ends Friday!!

Book Two: The Space Between Before and After, by Jean Reynolds Page, looks to be an interesting read, involving a rather new concept of putting songs to the book - a bountrack, as coined by the author. Link is here,, and the contest ends Sunday the 26th. Hustle on over! The more reviews she gets the more books she gives away!

Book Three: Sarah's Key, by Tatiant de Rosnay, is a book about WWII with the main girl being just ten years old in France. An interesting time period as always, this book looks interesting, and is receiving quite a bit of praise. The link,, and the contest ends the 31st.

Book Four: The Lost Diary of Don Juan, by Douglas Carlton Abrams, is yet another historical fiction about the less liked aspects of men personified. :D Yeah. One copy of this book, the contest ends the 24th here, You have to scroll down a bit to get to it, but it's a free book, a little work is worth it!

Book Five - actually a group of books, is a possibility to win (I think) a box of books for Halloween! Ten books! You have to enter by noon Friday, tomorrow Friday, though. I'm hoping with a small deadline I'll have better chances. :) Here's the link, though, since I must to get extra entries:

Book Six: is not even a book, but a makeup kit. :D I love free stuff and thus apply for anything. This lucky giveaway is of mineral basics, which is supposed to be great stuff. Head on over here,, to check it out. Ends today, so be quick! (Sorry the blog got so late, blogger was being a pain in the ass. :( ...)

Book Seven: Yet again not another book, but a cute craft kit. :) I love crafts. head on over here for some little pompom backpack dudes, Scroll down a bit to find it, ends the 27th.

Alright, I think that was everything. If I forgot one and said I blogged about, I'm so sorry! Let me know and I'll do what I can to make it up to you!

I've got absolutely nothing else to say at this point. I have two tests tomorrow with pretty much no studying done as of yet. Good week.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Small Update

So I have about half of a one shot written. I've had this little idea floating around in there for a while, and finally got some of it to print. Hopefully, another session and it will be done. Who knows, maybe tomorrow. Nothing new on Ultimatum, though. That's it for now.

Over and out,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Again, nothing new. These past two weeks were hellacious in school. The crunch is kind of over. I have a test this Thursday and a test next Friday, and the usual amount of stuff due and then catch up. But, BUT, I should be able to sit and write something this coming Friday or weekend. Good stuff.

The rest of this post is about trying to win another free book, since I am a free book junkie. It sounds like a cute story about an elephant. So, I'm trying to win it. Here is the link. Go to it, read it, apply for it!

Over and out!

Monday, September 29, 2008


No, I haven't written anything new, let alone post a new chapter. I have decided to deviate a bit from what I normally do. Movie reviews. :)

Burn After Reading: Decent. Won't be buying it. Thought they used the F word too much - it just ruined the nice flow of dialogue. Brad Pitt was awesome. I don't care who is boycotting him right now, he was hilarious. He made the movie for me. George Clooney not so much. He was good, but his character deserved to be shot until the end there. The ending was interesting, but the movie was kind of ruined for me after the incident in the closet. Weird humor, which amuses me, so I kind of liked it. But I would only ever buy it for a couple bucks.

Ghost Town: Went in without a lot of expectations and so was amused at the movie. It's a bit of a cliche, and the idea is no longer fresh, but it was cute. The one thing I didn't really like was the main character's complete transformation at the end. Sure, he could change, but do a 180? I don't think so. But not a bad movie. I liked it.

Eagle Eye: Went in with a lot of expectations because it is Shia LaBeouf, and I love him as an actor. Great guy on screen. Movie was a bit of a disappointment. It wasn't too bad, but damn if it didn't have a lame antagonist. Definately an overused antagonist at this point, which ruined the movie. Shia was awesome all around - great character to play. Liked him on both sides. So, he saved the movie for me. But I would buy Burn After Reading before this one. *Sigh* Sorry, Shia.

Back to the writing. I know I need to set time aside for writing, but it won't be happening this week. I have soooo much homework all due! I'm working on setting aside time, so we'll see. You have all heard that before. I did think of where I want to go next. I think the chapter will probably be short again, but oh well. I know Hiei was out of character in the last chapter. Definately would touch that up if I ever did a rewrite. This next chapter is at least going to start off with Yusuke, and perhaps Hiei, dealing with the consequences of their actions. Kagome is going to be quiet for a while. And, to borrow (kinda) from Supernatural, when (since we all know she doesn't lose her mind forever) she gets her mind back, will it still be her mind? Will it all be there? How will this really shitty experience change her? That is gonna have to be addressed sometime soon. And I know I didn't explain how Hiei and Kagome are connected in the last chapter. T'was intentional, to a degree. I will be explaining later.

Anyways, have a good week everyone! I'm going to go watch the Matrix before cracking down. We are watching Dangerous Liasons in French class right now, and Keanu has a small part, so I want to watch him all grown up. You just want to laugh and yell pansy in DL.

Over and out!

Friday, September 26, 2008


Take that! A new chapter already! It's short, but it's there! So ha! Now I just need to collect on the reviews. :) Hopefully this chapter got across what I wanted it to. Let me know everyone! Will update soon, hopefully!


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Warren Zevon

I'm sitting here listening to W. Z., trying to write, and just getting more depressed. Anyone else listen to his stuff? It can get you melancholy. Which was, of course, the effect I was aiming for when I turned it on. Was just feeling the need to come off a chipper high from listening to mullet rock.

Anyways, in this mood, I wrote a bit. Not a lot. I went back to a piece that I've had sitting in my folder for a while. Mostly done. I had gotten stuck at a difficult part that I was trying to portray. I finished writing it, but I don't think I shall post it yet. I think I shall try and make this my first piece of revision. It's small, needs work, and should be a good starter. So, no idea when it shall hit the sites. Oh well.

I have a general idea of where the next chappy of Ultimatum is going. :) I really liked the last chapter, although I've only gotten a few reviews. That part kinda made me depressed, even though I know fewer people are reading and commenting during the school time. Guess that says something of my readers. :) Nothing bad, of course. So, I have the start of U 18 planned out, just not sure where to go from there. No idea how long it will take to get the next chapter out. Hopefully soon, the bug is back. (Now that I'm done watching Supernatural season 3... Did anyone else see the frigging start of the new season?!? Don't think I liked it.... :( ...)

Tchao for now!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Yeah, I did it! I posted a chapter! Woohoo! Granted, it's not super long, and it involves one scene, but it's a chapter! I actually really like it. Revelatory, fun, nice character building (I hope). Should be good stuff. Enjoy, everyone!




Boy, it has been a long time since I've written anything. Let me tell you that I am ashamed of that... especially since I hate writers that have long delays between updates. Sorry! :( I was close to having a major breakdown, and keeping up on fanfiction just wasn't on the top of that list. The list consits of school, since I am paying 13 K a year to go to it I sure as hell better get good grades, work - cause I need a paycheck and its an obligation, supernatural - casue the new season came out and I had to finish it before the next season premiere! I have an obsession, not too much I can do about it.

Anyways, I finished the season, and since I had nothing to do today until the new episode airs tonight, I thought, why not write. So the first thing I did was get on here and blog. No fanfiction for me, no-siree! I will be writing directly after this, though. I feel like I had a bit of a revelation concerning writing, though, so it might take longer than normal for me to write the next chapter up. Especially since I've forgotten my own world and plot and whatnot. I hate when that happens. But, never fear, I am back on the job!

And that's it, for now. Anyone got any comments? Anything?

Tchao for now!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Shameless Contesting

Here's me trying to win another contest. Everything following is copied from the website,, to promote the book Hostage to Pleasure (released the 2nd) by Nalini Singh. I like her questions, and would love the prize, so here ya go. I haven't read any of her books, so can't say anything on that note - sorry.

Do a post on your blog, livejournal, myspace, facebook or website etc, where you answer at least one of the questions below. You can do all three questions if you like!

* Which fictional hero (from books, tv, movies...) would you most like to hold hostage?

Dean Winchester!

* Which fictional hero would you most like to be held hostage by?

Dean Winchester!!

* Which fictional world would you most like to be held hostage in?


The winner, chosen at random, will receive a US$75 gift certificate from the online bookstore of your choice :)

Everyone interested go on over and get the details and enter!!

Note on the writing: still nada but getting a better handle on the obscene homework of college life, so hopefully soon. Supernatural comes out tomorrow!! Woot!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


So, everyone is familiar with the term "bitten off more than possibly chewable"? Good. Cause, this year, this semester, I did that. I can only admit it her, cause I can never admit this sin, especially to parents. I signed up for six classes, and then got homework day one, and then procrastinated. Love me. Hate going back to school. So, I am behind. Usual. And I am stressing. Also usual. I have barely read anything (manga beside), barely watched anything (only a few episodes of Buffy!), and have been doing homework and attending classes. And working one day. Simple stuff.

That all has to change! Because... *drumroll*! Supernatural Season 3!! It comes out on Tuesday! I need to do all my homework in advance so that I can sit and watch it all day and night! It is a must! I also have a quiz on Wednesday.

So, writing is still stalled. Sorry everyone, but Supernatural takes precendence. It just does. No ifs, ands, or buts.

And that is my sad, pathetic update.

Tchao! :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So my computer went through some issues... and I finally got it back. I am now behind on all internet homework and I need to go buy a microphone. Won't be writing much for a while.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sad Update

So, not gotten much done on Ultimatum. What else is new? Hopefully, should have time in a few days. I'm actually busy packing and cleaning my room to move back into a dorm. Unfortunately, now that I took a break and chilled on my laptop, the urge to clean is strangely gone. Go figure. Finished both Supernatural seasons 1 and 2. I can't wait until 3 comes out! I've only seen like one or two episodes of that season, since I had a club meeting every Thursday night at that time. I think, for the season's first couple of episodes, I will be missing this club again. There is no way I'm going to miss the season opener after that ending of 3! I sadly spoiled the ending of 3 for myself by accident, by watching youtube. I was not a happy camper at that point. Oh well. I plan to go to comic con in San Diego next year. Come hell or high water, I am going! I want to meet Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, damnit!!

So, that is all I have to report. I bear good tidings on the book Hotter Than Hell, the anthology edited by Kim Harrison. Not done with it yet, but so far so good. I even like the ones by the authors I don't normally like. Due entirely to the fact that they are short, short stories! Tadah! The point is reached rather quickly, and everything is resolved. I kind of like this, since I'm in the middle of reading like 5 books that don't have too much momentum right now. So, cheers!

I watched the movie Rouge the other day with my Mom. It's about a giant croc that attacks people that went into it's range of hunting. Not too bad of a horror movie. A few parts were just gore, and I'm kind of iffy on the ending, but not bad. Especially since my Mom and I weren't exactly expecting much. Most movies like that, including almost every shark movie ever made, suck. Miserably. So, to commemorate this, I watched it again with my sister and her friend. Since we were all tired and lazy, after the end, we all just kind of sat there and let the credits roll. I recommend this for that movie. Do it. Cause a happy beat will suddenly kick in, and a cheery tune will pop up. Like this one.

I happen to like the voice better on the movie. But this was an... interesting... video I found on youtube. Humor!


Friday, August 15, 2008

Outline Ho!

Good news - finally went to the no-idea-what-so-ever method and wrote out an outline using highlighters and little heads of Hiei and Kagome. Arrows and color abound, and more importantly, I got somewhere. I know where the scene is going (finally!), and I know where the chapter is going. I was going to write earlier, but got caught up in Supernatural and Youtube, and then wasn't going to due to depression for a variety of reasons, and then after writing this I just might again. Boy is my mood fluctuating. :( Definately need some chocolate right now. I'm going to go do a miniwork out for all that chocolate already eaten and hopefully come back and write. Writing out my angst between Hiei and Kagome might just be therapeutic. We'll see. I feel in a piratey mood, by the way. Also in an artistic mood. I am failing at life right now, though, so my drawings suck ass, like usual. Not a very good day for me. Anyways.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Great Lines of Time

So, I wrote this amazingly fantastic line, all prepared to run with it and further the plot. And then I stopped writing. ... And forgot where I was supposed to be going... For the life of me I can't remember what I wanted to say... T_T And now I am stuck. Huge writer's block. I'm gonna have to find something that will trigger that memory, dangit!


Friday, August 8, 2008

Wanderlust Review

Ok, so I finally wrote the review that was part of the contest. Hopefully, it does the book justice. If this concerns you, the bullet points are kind of spoilers, so don't read them! SPOILER ALERT! There, you are all forewarned. Blue parts are safe - skip to the end to read the not-really-an-update update, if you so choose.

Without further ado, here is the long awaited review of Ann Aguirre’s awesome second book of the Sirantha Jax series Wanderlust!

An excellent follow up to an awesome first book, Wanderlust keeps the tension flowing and the reader rooting for the heroine! The ending leaves you wishing for the next in the series, and the shocks and twists in the book leave the world surprisingly realistic. An addition of new characters rounds out the cast, and I can only hope that they are there to stay! I am already eagerly awaiting the next book, and can only hope that some of the issues broached here are resolved. You rock, Jax! Great job Ann Aguirre! Keep up the good work!

Points I liked:

· I liked Jax being sick. She now has a fallible air that lends reality to the book and the character. It makes sense that healing her mind was taxing her body in some way or another. I hope she gets better, and can continue to jump. Like her, I can only see her dying jacked in, or at least by March’s side in battle. Interesting twist about not being jacked in, by the way. Can’t wait to see where that one goes.
· I like the new characters added to the cast. I especially like Vel, because Vel is loveable and honorable and stands by Jax throughout it all. I also like Jael. I saw him as most likely betraying everyone in the end, and he still might, but I like him. I also love Constance. You rock Constance! Excellent body choice!
· I like the whole twist with Jax’s mother. Didn’t see that one coming at all!
· Still like the implanted paranoia in Jax’s head. Like it even better when it’s right.

Points needing to be mentioned:

· I like March when he isn’t battling his own demons, so I’m rooting for him to get better with Jax’s help.
· I feel bad for Dina, but hopefully now she has a new companion for life. That would just be cool.
· Lachion needs to butcher those damn monsters; and Keri needs to get it on with Lex already. And those damn bugs that seem so similar to the Aliens show - ick! Ick! Ick! Ick! Kill them all!
· Jax, an ambassador! O.o Didn’t see that one coming. I hope she succeeds. She needs something positive behind her so she can stop thinking about how she used to be an ass.

Thank you Mrs. Aguirre for the chance to read your book early! I had a blast reading it, and the book already has a place of prominence on my shelf! I can’t wait to hear more about the next in the series! I will faithfully follow you and Jax till the end! And, to help boost your ratings, I’m still going to go out and buy the official book! Cheers!

Ok, so, now that that is out of the way. I haven't written anything more on Ultimatum. Shame on me, I know. I've been busy watching Supernatural and scrapbooking. And reading. Always reading. I also finally finished my first crocheted blanket, which is going to be given away to the first donation center that comes a-knocking. Now, I will be busy at work for at least a year on my sister's blanket. Good luck on getting that one in time for Christmas... or ever her birthday in June... So, hopefully I'll get some writting done tonight or tomorrow. I feel the bug starting to creep back in. Pray for the bug!


Thursday, July 31, 2008


Word Count: 763. Woot! Moving along. Discovered a point for this scene, so I should be able to begin moving along a bit faster. Woot again!


Sunday, July 27, 2008

68 Words

I have all of 68 words done on the chapter! Always better than zero, I beg all of you to keep that in mind when you criticize my extreme failure to write daily. The mood is gone. It died. Anyways, first paragraph is done. Woot. I started writing in a sarcastic mood, and didn't think that anyone would really like how I went with it in a sarcastic mood - I didn't even like it. Too hokey. So I took a break and did something else. I am on an anime music video craze - been downloading oodles of those. Found some humorous ones. Which is always good. Finished a book, yet the TBR pile is still huge. That damn pile depresses me. The book was ok, it seemed to be made up entirely of questions that nobody could answer in the book, thus nobody amongst the readers as well, until like the last 100 pages or less. That is always kind of irritating to read. Cool concept though. I like hte tats and the boys. The boys rock. I kind of want the boys for myself.

Anyways, when I get more in a mood that relates itself to writing well and decently and not sarcastically, I will do so. Until then, probably stints of 68 words at a time. Oh well. Eventually, they shall all add up. All in due time.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shamelessly Trying to Win a Contest

Not really a post on updates for Ultimatum (which are nill, by the way). Nope, I'm trying to win a contest that would get me 7 free books. 7! Count them! It would totally rock to win, so here I am.

I haven't read the author yet (I'm hoping to win so I get her newest book and don't have to go the library...); I was referred by Rachel Vincent's blog. In either case, here is the link to the trailer of the author, Brooke Taylor, on youtube. Cool trailer, and the book, Undone, looks interesting. I advise all of you to check it, and her website out.

I'll report back here (if I remember) if I get the book on how it is. ;)

I'll also be posting a review of Ann Aguirre's newest book, Wanderlust, as soon as I finish reading it. That one will be another shameless contest promotion, except I won it. :D

Tchao for now! Hopefully, soon, I will get to writing. I do believe the next chapter is going to be a pain in the keester, yessir it will be.


Monday, July 21, 2008


Heave a giant sigh for me today. I wanted to write, I sat down after looking through my typical list of sites for the day to write, but I flunked. I'm tired. Turs out getting wisdom teeth removed makes you tired all the time. Or, it could be, now that I have an excuse, I'm just going to take advantage and sleep more. Could be.

I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do with the next chapter at this very second, so I figured I should write and outline, start the juices flowing, cause I did want to write. I wanted that nice feeling again. I wrote three bullets of the first couple seconds and called it quits. Off to bed I plan to go. I couldn't think of where I wanted to directly go. I don't think I am clarifying that too well by just repeating it, but oh well. I think this scene might have to just write itself out, no outlining from me. I'll have to try that one next. This chapter has the feeling of being a long time in coming. Bummer for everyone around. Sorry all!

In the mean time, with the new college year looming, the bug to get something done has come once more. So, plans: start a baby garden. Mainly carrots. With some possible tomatoes and cilantro. I want some fresh stuff dangit. And once I see if I can actually garden and that I want to continue it, I might buy heirloom plants for next year. We'll see. Kind of expensive to ship them when I can just go to Target or Walmart or something, which I know is bad. Hard habit to break. Also on the list: find a good story. With the need for an actual career looming, worries of having a job I hate for all of life are blooming. Thus, I need to begin my writing career now. Also, joining an agricultural/gardening club, sustainability club, and acting group, and that is all for now. Also, I want a new job. This last one might not happen. Same on the acting thing. This could all suddenly turn into a lot of work. Bummer when that happens. Huh. Guess I need to organize my life more. Sometimes I hate that I planned classes every day. And that I have to work. Huh. We need to add an extra day during the week. Anyways, enough on stuff not on the story.

I want to write another one shot, maybe. The idea (of writing one) is there. I find I am too caught up in Ultimatum for another story, though. There is a fanfic contest at my local library. And I need a story. A four page limit - way, way small for me. So I need to find something to write. Nothing in that department either. So, SIGH!

Tchao for now!

P.S. I BOUGHT A SPANISH TEXTBOOK! Now I can begin to learn that with French. Woohoo!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Of a Sort, Progress

It is not the typical progress of written word on paper, or in this case on the computer, but it in my head it is progress. I have decided on a few scenes, hardly the full chapter, that can be in the beginning or even open the chapter. Mostly, just thoughtful scenes, so we need to get some action going. I'm anxious for my own update, since I am actually getting close to an end, so I think things should pick up a bit faster than before. But I'm not making any promises. Anyways, any scene is good, because now I have something to build off of, in which I did not have before. Still debating on the Kags and Hiei relatinship, and I need to make Kurama more wordly, Yusuke more understood, and Kuwabara more realistic to his character. Difficult times. I also need to decide on the action in this one. Won't be going any further into that one, though. Ye all shall have to wait, just like me. ;)

In other news, wisdoms are getting pulled tomorrow morning, and I am itching for a good book to read. I just received Ann Aguirre's new book in the mail -SQUEE! - but I'm not entirely sure that is what I'm looking for. I think... I think I am in the mood for fanfiction. I drifted from reading fanfiction for sooo long... like almost a year, at least half a year. The urge was just gone, I needed something that was complete to read. Now, I want the fangirl (and boy) adoredom. I need hot, sweaty love scenes that serve no purpose but to please our imaginations, and sweet Mary Sue-like plots where we all secretly dream we are in the main girl's place getting the main guy. You all do, I know it. Sooo... haunting mediaminer again. Drifting more towards Inuyasha, but a few Yu Yu's could catch my eye. I shall continue to drift.

And without further adieu,

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Nothing! Nothing at all! I feel the writing bug coming on... just slowly. I'm thinking on how to do the next chapter, and get across all that missing character depth that everyone needs. I need you all to feel torn! Probably not going to happen.

I read a fanfic I really liked, which is kind of rare lately. I was impressed. Especially with how well it was written. Makes me hate my own work, and realize I will never be that good. *sigh* Depressive moment. On the good note, great fanfic! :)

Tchao for now!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Series of Unfortunate Confessions

Confessions 1: Haven't started writing the next chapter yet. Nope. Nada. I kinda know where I want to go, but it's still a meaningless blob in my head.

Confession 2: I don't really like Kurama. Never have. And probably never will in fanfiction. Definately need to buy the show and watch it. Kind of why he's an ass in my fic... he gets stuck with the dirty work. Ah well, someone needs to do it.

Confession 3: Not so much a confession as a wail - No one likes anyone! Argh!!!! I read the reviews (which I love) and I get the feeling that everyone hates who I made the characters into... which depresses me.

I guess I just need to work on a few points, which is what the next chapter is going to have to encompass, cause this sucker is getting close to an ending, and I need you to be confused on who to root for. Maybe.

So, Kagome. I like Kagome how she is. She is giving herself up for the Jewel, which we should have already seen with the attempted suicide. Kikyou handled this burden by becoming cold-hearted and alone - she let no one in. This seems like an adequate way to handle the Jewel, except that Kagome wasn't raised with this burden, she had it thrust upon her, so she is trying to find ways that work for her. She continually opens up to people - Yusuke, Hiei, the group, etc. and gets hurt. She tries different extremes on the spectrum of solutions: suicide or hating/shutting everyone out. She shuts people out so much that she loses who she is through making these sacrifices. She just made another one, so we are gonna have some more self-hate going on here. I know how she is going to get out of this, whether you guys will like the ending or not. I have a good ending. A nice Ultimatum, cause that little one is hardly the big thing.

Now, Yusuke. He's being an ass all around, and undecisive. I think he is entitled to being indecisive - he is having to choose who he gives up amongst people he loves. That is not an easy choice, and something he has trouble dealing with. He is used to saving everyone, not just giving someone up for the sake of another. So, he is struggling in that matter. He is also struggling with betrayal. His family sucks, and in his eyes, Kagome was the only one he had as family, and when she began betraying this image by keeping secrets, fraternizing with the enemy, and breaking his group apart (Hiei), he began to lose his only family. I see this as adequate reasoning why he kind of hates Kagome right now, and is in any part willing to sacrifice her. It's why he is confused, and an ass. I need to portray this better, I think. Although I like how he has turned out.

Kurama: he has played his purpose. I can't say I like him... at all. So he is kind of the evil doer in Kagome's eyes. Although, as a being that has lived centuries as a thief, he knows reality and making tough choices. He has a small group of people he protects, and Keiko is more included in that than Kagome. Therefore, she is null. He also is the most practical of the group right now, since both Hiei and Yusuke are conflicted, so he is kind of forced to be the spokesperson for the group. Bummer that, I guess. But he is stuck. :)

Kuwabara: I like Kuwabara, and am trying to portray him in a good light. He is the most innocent of the group, and he is the most honorable. He wants to save Kagome and Keiko, but can't. Yet, he also understands the necessity of some force and dirty things like that. While he is honorable, he is also human, and wants to save Keiko. I think that is perhaps what this story portrays the most: the human ability to make sacrifices and hard decisions when put into a corner, as these people clearly are. I definately need to show this more, show the struggle. If I could, I would go back and fix this throughout the story, but I'm not doing that much of a heavy edit. Nope, not gonna.

Hiei: Ok, he is the one I am having the most trouble with. I can't say too much, since that would give away my ending, but I want him to be conflicted in what he wants. He wants the Jewel, duh, but he also wants Kagome. He kind of cares for Keiko, but with what has been happening between him and Kagome, he kind of wants her a bit more than Keiko. Natural selection kind of thing. So, he should want Kagome, but not want Kagome - confliction. He needs to be making some serious decisions here in the next chapter.

As to his relationship with Kagome, yeah it is lacking. But I don't know what to do in regards to my ending!!! I need to step them up, but am debating on how to do so. Their physical relationship was one way to bridge this gap, right away. It was supposed to show their budding relationship - or that was the original intention, since I am a perv who just wanted the two together. Unfortunately, my ending has changed, and it has become a bit more complex. So, I am thinking of what to do. I think I must stage a tender moment between the two alone next chapter. Next chapter is definately for building these relationships and characters. Not a chapter I had intended to put in there, but one to be put to good use, of that I am sure. I think once I finalize how to develop all this, then I will write more. Until then,



Wednesday, July 9, 2008

AAAAH! A Post!

That's right, a new chapter! Woohoo! Bout damn time! 18 pages, about 7500 words. A whole new chapter. I am extremely proud. Should give you guys some stuff to think about. Interesting chapter, if I do say so myself. Except for the crappy fight scene in the beginning. Not much I could do about that, though. :( I tried.

But, I posted!!! Woohoo!! I can't wait to start getting reviews!!



Sunday, July 6, 2008


Daaamn! I got a lot written today. No, the dang thing is still not done. But so far it is now the longest chapter yet. Over 5 K, and longer than the last chapter. Tadah! I have to rewrite the fight in the beginning, and then continue where I am going right now. Due to the story, some parts are not newly written. Meaning I've copied and pasted from previous chapters. It feels like cheating. But this chapter was still going to be the longest without those parts, sooo... They do further the story, though. I promise. There are going to be some group revelations coming up. And an excellent cliffhanger. Whoopee! I can't wait to post this! I am newly invigorated! The only thing that would make this better would be if someone would leave a reply... Or, better yet, at least 2 people. That would just make my week. :)


Saturday, July 5, 2008


Does anyone else ever feel like their brain has died and gone to brain heaven? Nothing, there is nothing up there. I need a new one.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Nope, ain't done no writing in a couple days. Nutin. Pathetic, I know. On the other side, I'm sick of work! Huzzah for the lackluster life.

On another note, I was thinking about starting another blog, still under this name, and I was hoping to get input from people. I was in a philosophical mood earlier today, and had a strong urge to write about, precisely in the form of a blog. Would anybody read it? Respond? My thoughts earlier were on ... ok, at this point they are kind of fuzzy. I'm tired. Something about sustainability. More primarily about changing the way I look at things in a daily manner. Dang if the urge isn't gone now. Anyways, while I would probably start the blog just to write about it, which is fun, I would like input even more. You can never discuss enough philosophy. So, any takers?

Tchao for now,

Saturday, June 28, 2008


So, I wrote the outline, then didn't ever bother to reread the outline after I wrote and then promptly forgot all that I wrote. Nice. This is customarily how I work. Good news is that I like the outline, quite a bit in fact, and will from now on be following the outline. I wrote a teensy bit more, not a lot, but I plan to write more later. Problem is that I forgot all that I was going to go over during a group think session, so I have to go reread... Which will take time that I don't really have right now. So, hopefully will get to that later. After I go to a movie. Hopefully.

Soo, Tchao!

Kick ass ending

Ok, Kick ass ending! I wrote the end of the chapter (part. Part as in not the rest of the chapter yet, only the end), and it just kicks ass! I love it. I can't wait for all of you to read it! I'm still putting off the beginning fight scene, but I have the end done. I'll go from there, then. I might have to reread a whole bunch of stuff to remember all that I was going to go over/reveal, though. Which just sucks. Ah well. So, eventually (which is much sooner than the old eventuallies that I kept giving you guys), this shall be done and posted. i'm so excited for the reaction!! I swear, rereading stuff I wrote a while ago during moments of great writing ideas just inspires me again. I go through writing thinking it sucks and nothing shall ever come of it, and then I reread it and I'm like, shit this kicks butt! Woot!

Tchao for now!

Friday, June 27, 2008


Finally! The muse is back! I feel like I should be going, "Boom, Baby," just like in The Emperor's New Groove. The writer's block is gone. I wrote some on an independent story, about one sentence on the one shot, and then I wrote a conclusion to a scene in the next Ultimatum chapter. Overall, not a lot got done. But I'm excited about the two stories. I feel like writing Ultimatum again, which is awesome. And I have a good idea for a book (again)! The one shot is going to get shoved to a back burner again. It has served it's purpose in revitalizing me. I liked where I was going with it, but I do believe I need to seriously edit all that I wrote. Otherwise, it is almost to the end. Eventually, some day, that short story shall be written. Hopefully with more emotion to it. In the mean time, Ultimatum!!!

In other news!!! I won a free book!!!! Ann Aguirre's next book, to be exact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I tell you all how excited I am to finally win something? Something that won't be coming out until August, but I get early! I feel like I've been waiting forever to get the next book in the series, and now I get it early!! Woohoo! I'm rereading Grimspace as we speak, getting back into the groove and loving the story once more. :D I can't wait. Now I just need to be able to send an email with a pesky program that won't work at all... Pain in the butt, Outlook is...

Tchao for now! Off to watch either Rurouni Kenshin or Trigun. Those two main characters are so much alike. I must love pacifistic fighters. :)


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So I couldn't get in the mood to write the next chapter of Ultimatum. Like completely and utterly couldn't. Anyone else ever feel like that? I feel like I have lost the feeling of the story. I went back and looked over a oneshot that I had halfway written, and damn if it isn't way better than the shit I'm writing now. Argh!!!! Makes me hate what I have so far! Should I delete all that I have already written and start over? We'll see. This should help get me back in my groove. The short story felt like a good way to go for writing tonight, so I wrote on that. Yes, I wrote. I actually did. Got a good chunk done. The one shot is not complete yet, but it is getting there. I think I shall finish that next. I'm hoping there isn't a too radical of a difference between when I wrote then and now. I'll definately be editing all this to high heaven, trying to make it perfect. I want more emotion in my stories. I want to be like Stephenie Meyer - that is my new goal. Bones is history... Anyways. The story is depressing and sad to me. Death and old age always are. That should give you an idea of where I am going to go with this. My grandpa passed away recently, and I find that I am fighting tears while writing this right now. Bummer situation. I hate death. In fact, I fear death. For myself, and more so right now for those around me. I hate the feeling of being all alone in the world, and that is what I fear with death. Maybe I should write more about that. That is the emotion most prevalent to me, the one I feel the most. Not joy or happiness. Fear. I stress myself out way too much sometimes. But, they say write what you know. Laurell K Hamilton has an apparent well of anger inside of her, and from that we get Anita Blake. Bones knows bodies - tadah! I must think on this. Maybe it could actually work... Maybe. In the mean time, I need July 1st to come faster so that the next freaking Angel Diary (6) can come out in mass production! Now!! Speed up time!!!!

Tchao for now,