Thursday, November 13, 2008


There, I updated! Granted, it was a short chapter, but a chappie nonetheless. I am once again ashamed to admit I forgot most of what happened. How sad. I'm all like going back chapters to remember what the heck I wrote. I surprised myself at several points... I definately forgot what I wrote. So, I'm thinking I'm going to have to go back and reread all that I have written. I kind of cringe at the thought, since the story kind of sucks in the beginning. I know this, but I don't really want to edit it and fix it up. Rule is don't edit seriously like that until you are done, otherwise you shall forever be caught up in edits. If it had been me as a reader, I wouldn't have gone on unless I was desperate for something new to read. And my summary kind of sucks too... *sigh* Anyways, I updated. I did write, obviously, after my last post, but it wasn't as much as I would have liked since I had to leave and I can't really go farther until I reread.

In other news, there is none. :) So far everyone has kind of liked the chapter, which is good. I'm trying to keep people in character, and I really think I succeeded. For those you thinking about Yukina, think on. :) There is your hint, faithful blog readers.

So I was thinking, this probably would be a decent story to have standing on its own, as in note as fanfiction. I wouldn't mind doing this, either. I wrote the whole thing in the first place, so it would only really seem like a second draft. I would just really have to change up all the characters. It would be a fun project to do, I think. Maybe, after I finally finish this, I can start there. When trying to actually write a whole story, I seem to have trouble with getting down a plot, and characters. So far, I can run in fanfiction with a simple plotline and have it change to its heart's content. However, through the shows, the characters are all well developed. That is where I need to start, making really in-depth characters that are revealed slowly in the story. My goal for whenver I finish then.

Did anyone else read about the "cure of AIDS"? I was totally excited when I heard about it, but it turns out that this isn't a new thing. Apparently, in an older study of almost the same thing that these guys did cured two people. So, we probably aren't that much closer to an AIDS cure than before. Still, it's cool. Imagine the thoughts of that guy - leukemia and AIDS, and then wham! down to one. Still shitty with leukemia, but just a little bit better. I hope, for his sake, that it doesn't come back. Six months and counting. And, I happen to think that it kicks ass that there are people who can't get HIV, period. People can inherit a gene from both parents that prevents the HIV virus from attaching to cells (or so I understand - don't quote me!). I really want to go and get checked to see if I can't get it - that would just make my day, and probably month. My friend tells me, since he has looked into stuff like this for years, that the likely people to be safe from HIV are those that have ancestors that had the black plague. Apparently, the virus of HIV is really similar to the black plague, so those that survive built up an immunity to it. The area is kind of upper/central Europe, I believe. How cool is that? That's one of those useless facts that you will probably never use nor ever forget. :) I can't wait to share it with more people.

In an editorial in my school paper, someone brought up the stupidity of black people being allowed to call each other "nigger" without it being deemed racist. Not fair - should be bad for everyone.

Also, who the fuck cares what type of dog Obama gets his little girls? Yeah, it will be cool to see a cute puppy that becomes the First Dog, but really, can the type of dog speak for anything politically? No. End of story.

And that is all. I expounded on everything, so enjoy it! Respond!


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