Thursday, July 31, 2008


Word Count: 763. Woot! Moving along. Discovered a point for this scene, so I should be able to begin moving along a bit faster. Woot again!


Sunday, July 27, 2008

68 Words

I have all of 68 words done on the chapter! Always better than zero, I beg all of you to keep that in mind when you criticize my extreme failure to write daily. The mood is gone. It died. Anyways, first paragraph is done. Woot. I started writing in a sarcastic mood, and didn't think that anyone would really like how I went with it in a sarcastic mood - I didn't even like it. Too hokey. So I took a break and did something else. I am on an anime music video craze - been downloading oodles of those. Found some humorous ones. Which is always good. Finished a book, yet the TBR pile is still huge. That damn pile depresses me. The book was ok, it seemed to be made up entirely of questions that nobody could answer in the book, thus nobody amongst the readers as well, until like the last 100 pages or less. That is always kind of irritating to read. Cool concept though. I like hte tats and the boys. The boys rock. I kind of want the boys for myself.

Anyways, when I get more in a mood that relates itself to writing well and decently and not sarcastically, I will do so. Until then, probably stints of 68 words at a time. Oh well. Eventually, they shall all add up. All in due time.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shamelessly Trying to Win a Contest

Not really a post on updates for Ultimatum (which are nill, by the way). Nope, I'm trying to win a contest that would get me 7 free books. 7! Count them! It would totally rock to win, so here I am.

I haven't read the author yet (I'm hoping to win so I get her newest book and don't have to go the library...); I was referred by Rachel Vincent's blog. In either case, here is the link to the trailer of the author, Brooke Taylor, on youtube. Cool trailer, and the book, Undone, looks interesting. I advise all of you to check it, and her website out.

I'll report back here (if I remember) if I get the book on how it is. ;)

I'll also be posting a review of Ann Aguirre's newest book, Wanderlust, as soon as I finish reading it. That one will be another shameless contest promotion, except I won it. :D

Tchao for now! Hopefully, soon, I will get to writing. I do believe the next chapter is going to be a pain in the keester, yessir it will be.


Monday, July 21, 2008


Heave a giant sigh for me today. I wanted to write, I sat down after looking through my typical list of sites for the day to write, but I flunked. I'm tired. Turs out getting wisdom teeth removed makes you tired all the time. Or, it could be, now that I have an excuse, I'm just going to take advantage and sleep more. Could be.

I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do with the next chapter at this very second, so I figured I should write and outline, start the juices flowing, cause I did want to write. I wanted that nice feeling again. I wrote three bullets of the first couple seconds and called it quits. Off to bed I plan to go. I couldn't think of where I wanted to directly go. I don't think I am clarifying that too well by just repeating it, but oh well. I think this scene might have to just write itself out, no outlining from me. I'll have to try that one next. This chapter has the feeling of being a long time in coming. Bummer for everyone around. Sorry all!

In the mean time, with the new college year looming, the bug to get something done has come once more. So, plans: start a baby garden. Mainly carrots. With some possible tomatoes and cilantro. I want some fresh stuff dangit. And once I see if I can actually garden and that I want to continue it, I might buy heirloom plants for next year. We'll see. Kind of expensive to ship them when I can just go to Target or Walmart or something, which I know is bad. Hard habit to break. Also on the list: find a good story. With the need for an actual career looming, worries of having a job I hate for all of life are blooming. Thus, I need to begin my writing career now. Also, joining an agricultural/gardening club, sustainability club, and acting group, and that is all for now. Also, I want a new job. This last one might not happen. Same on the acting thing. This could all suddenly turn into a lot of work. Bummer when that happens. Huh. Guess I need to organize my life more. Sometimes I hate that I planned classes every day. And that I have to work. Huh. We need to add an extra day during the week. Anyways, enough on stuff not on the story.

I want to write another one shot, maybe. The idea (of writing one) is there. I find I am too caught up in Ultimatum for another story, though. There is a fanfic contest at my local library. And I need a story. A four page limit - way, way small for me. So I need to find something to write. Nothing in that department either. So, SIGH!

Tchao for now!

P.S. I BOUGHT A SPANISH TEXTBOOK! Now I can begin to learn that with French. Woohoo!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Of a Sort, Progress

It is not the typical progress of written word on paper, or in this case on the computer, but it in my head it is progress. I have decided on a few scenes, hardly the full chapter, that can be in the beginning or even open the chapter. Mostly, just thoughtful scenes, so we need to get some action going. I'm anxious for my own update, since I am actually getting close to an end, so I think things should pick up a bit faster than before. But I'm not making any promises. Anyways, any scene is good, because now I have something to build off of, in which I did not have before. Still debating on the Kags and Hiei relatinship, and I need to make Kurama more wordly, Yusuke more understood, and Kuwabara more realistic to his character. Difficult times. I also need to decide on the action in this one. Won't be going any further into that one, though. Ye all shall have to wait, just like me. ;)

In other news, wisdoms are getting pulled tomorrow morning, and I am itching for a good book to read. I just received Ann Aguirre's new book in the mail -SQUEE! - but I'm not entirely sure that is what I'm looking for. I think... I think I am in the mood for fanfiction. I drifted from reading fanfiction for sooo long... like almost a year, at least half a year. The urge was just gone, I needed something that was complete to read. Now, I want the fangirl (and boy) adoredom. I need hot, sweaty love scenes that serve no purpose but to please our imaginations, and sweet Mary Sue-like plots where we all secretly dream we are in the main girl's place getting the main guy. You all do, I know it. Sooo... haunting mediaminer again. Drifting more towards Inuyasha, but a few Yu Yu's could catch my eye. I shall continue to drift.

And without further adieu,

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Nothing! Nothing at all! I feel the writing bug coming on... just slowly. I'm thinking on how to do the next chapter, and get across all that missing character depth that everyone needs. I need you all to feel torn! Probably not going to happen.

I read a fanfic I really liked, which is kind of rare lately. I was impressed. Especially with how well it was written. Makes me hate my own work, and realize I will never be that good. *sigh* Depressive moment. On the good note, great fanfic! :)

Tchao for now!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Series of Unfortunate Confessions

Confessions 1: Haven't started writing the next chapter yet. Nope. Nada. I kinda know where I want to go, but it's still a meaningless blob in my head.

Confession 2: I don't really like Kurama. Never have. And probably never will in fanfiction. Definately need to buy the show and watch it. Kind of why he's an ass in my fic... he gets stuck with the dirty work. Ah well, someone needs to do it.

Confession 3: Not so much a confession as a wail - No one likes anyone! Argh!!!! I read the reviews (which I love) and I get the feeling that everyone hates who I made the characters into... which depresses me.

I guess I just need to work on a few points, which is what the next chapter is going to have to encompass, cause this sucker is getting close to an ending, and I need you to be confused on who to root for. Maybe.

So, Kagome. I like Kagome how she is. She is giving herself up for the Jewel, which we should have already seen with the attempted suicide. Kikyou handled this burden by becoming cold-hearted and alone - she let no one in. This seems like an adequate way to handle the Jewel, except that Kagome wasn't raised with this burden, she had it thrust upon her, so she is trying to find ways that work for her. She continually opens up to people - Yusuke, Hiei, the group, etc. and gets hurt. She tries different extremes on the spectrum of solutions: suicide or hating/shutting everyone out. She shuts people out so much that she loses who she is through making these sacrifices. She just made another one, so we are gonna have some more self-hate going on here. I know how she is going to get out of this, whether you guys will like the ending or not. I have a good ending. A nice Ultimatum, cause that little one is hardly the big thing.

Now, Yusuke. He's being an ass all around, and undecisive. I think he is entitled to being indecisive - he is having to choose who he gives up amongst people he loves. That is not an easy choice, and something he has trouble dealing with. He is used to saving everyone, not just giving someone up for the sake of another. So, he is struggling in that matter. He is also struggling with betrayal. His family sucks, and in his eyes, Kagome was the only one he had as family, and when she began betraying this image by keeping secrets, fraternizing with the enemy, and breaking his group apart (Hiei), he began to lose his only family. I see this as adequate reasoning why he kind of hates Kagome right now, and is in any part willing to sacrifice her. It's why he is confused, and an ass. I need to portray this better, I think. Although I like how he has turned out.

Kurama: he has played his purpose. I can't say I like him... at all. So he is kind of the evil doer in Kagome's eyes. Although, as a being that has lived centuries as a thief, he knows reality and making tough choices. He has a small group of people he protects, and Keiko is more included in that than Kagome. Therefore, she is null. He also is the most practical of the group right now, since both Hiei and Yusuke are conflicted, so he is kind of forced to be the spokesperson for the group. Bummer that, I guess. But he is stuck. :)

Kuwabara: I like Kuwabara, and am trying to portray him in a good light. He is the most innocent of the group, and he is the most honorable. He wants to save Kagome and Keiko, but can't. Yet, he also understands the necessity of some force and dirty things like that. While he is honorable, he is also human, and wants to save Keiko. I think that is perhaps what this story portrays the most: the human ability to make sacrifices and hard decisions when put into a corner, as these people clearly are. I definately need to show this more, show the struggle. If I could, I would go back and fix this throughout the story, but I'm not doing that much of a heavy edit. Nope, not gonna.

Hiei: Ok, he is the one I am having the most trouble with. I can't say too much, since that would give away my ending, but I want him to be conflicted in what he wants. He wants the Jewel, duh, but he also wants Kagome. He kind of cares for Keiko, but with what has been happening between him and Kagome, he kind of wants her a bit more than Keiko. Natural selection kind of thing. So, he should want Kagome, but not want Kagome - confliction. He needs to be making some serious decisions here in the next chapter.

As to his relationship with Kagome, yeah it is lacking. But I don't know what to do in regards to my ending!!! I need to step them up, but am debating on how to do so. Their physical relationship was one way to bridge this gap, right away. It was supposed to show their budding relationship - or that was the original intention, since I am a perv who just wanted the two together. Unfortunately, my ending has changed, and it has become a bit more complex. So, I am thinking of what to do. I think I must stage a tender moment between the two alone next chapter. Next chapter is definately for building these relationships and characters. Not a chapter I had intended to put in there, but one to be put to good use, of that I am sure. I think once I finalize how to develop all this, then I will write more. Until then,



Wednesday, July 9, 2008

AAAAH! A Post!

That's right, a new chapter! Woohoo! Bout damn time! 18 pages, about 7500 words. A whole new chapter. I am extremely proud. Should give you guys some stuff to think about. Interesting chapter, if I do say so myself. Except for the crappy fight scene in the beginning. Not much I could do about that, though. :( I tried.

But, I posted!!! Woohoo!! I can't wait to start getting reviews!!



Sunday, July 6, 2008


Daaamn! I got a lot written today. No, the dang thing is still not done. But so far it is now the longest chapter yet. Over 5 K, and longer than the last chapter. Tadah! I have to rewrite the fight in the beginning, and then continue where I am going right now. Due to the story, some parts are not newly written. Meaning I've copied and pasted from previous chapters. It feels like cheating. But this chapter was still going to be the longest without those parts, sooo... They do further the story, though. I promise. There are going to be some group revelations coming up. And an excellent cliffhanger. Whoopee! I can't wait to post this! I am newly invigorated! The only thing that would make this better would be if someone would leave a reply... Or, better yet, at least 2 people. That would just make my week. :)


Saturday, July 5, 2008


Does anyone else ever feel like their brain has died and gone to brain heaven? Nothing, there is nothing up there. I need a new one.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Nope, ain't done no writing in a couple days. Nutin. Pathetic, I know. On the other side, I'm sick of work! Huzzah for the lackluster life.

On another note, I was thinking about starting another blog, still under this name, and I was hoping to get input from people. I was in a philosophical mood earlier today, and had a strong urge to write about, precisely in the form of a blog. Would anybody read it? Respond? My thoughts earlier were on ... ok, at this point they are kind of fuzzy. I'm tired. Something about sustainability. More primarily about changing the way I look at things in a daily manner. Dang if the urge isn't gone now. Anyways, while I would probably start the blog just to write about it, which is fun, I would like input even more. You can never discuss enough philosophy. So, any takers?

Tchao for now,