Wednesday, July 9, 2008

AAAAH! A Post!

That's right, a new chapter! Woohoo! Bout damn time! 18 pages, about 7500 words. A whole new chapter. I am extremely proud. Should give you guys some stuff to think about. Interesting chapter, if I do say so myself. Except for the crappy fight scene in the beginning. Not much I could do about that, though. :( I tried.

But, I posted!!! Woohoo!! I can't wait to start getting reviews!!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It really is a good chapter. You should feel really proud of it. ^_^ I particularly liked Naraku's "Ultimatum." (I always love it when the title really comes into the piece in a significant way.)

Of course, NOW you have to follow up on it. LOL!! I can honestly say, I don't know where you are going with this. There still so much to go in terms of building a relationship between Kagome and Hiei, (because there really doesn't seem to be anything there yet), and apparently still the possibility of having to put her past to rest in terms of Inuyasha. (Kuwabara's question about saving the people Naraku had taken in and your comments earlier about it really being Inuyasha that Kagome saw instead of just Naraku fooling her leave me with that thought.) And at this point, if there's any chance of getting Inu out, I'm rooting for him to be with Kagome. And how Yusuke will EVER repair his relationship with his cousin is beyond me. Of course Naraku has to be dealt with, but the inter-personal relationships are always my primary interest.

I have to say, too, because I forgot to mention this in my review, that I don't think Keiko would be able to live with herself, or Yusuke, if he traded his cousin for her. So, if he thinks he's saving anyone, he's sorely mistaken. Her "survivor's guilt" could land her in the same spot Kagome was in at the beginning of the story.

You really got me all stirred up with this one. ^_^ I can't wait to see what happens next!!
