Saturday, June 21, 2008

Shuffling My Feet

So I got over the flu pretty fast. I feel like I have lingering side effects, but they could entirely be all made up in my mind. That or I am convincing myself that I have salmonella. Even though I haven't been eating tomatoes. Huh. I haven't been writing. No idea why. No good excuses at this point. Oh wait, I do have this: I've been busy busy busy rereading all of Stephenie Meyer again. Love her. She is my new aspiration: bestseller with an upcoming movie in three years. Damn. My dreams live on. I also haven't actually started writing my book book. I think I have a fear of starting, something not necessarily tangible that I keep putting it off for. Huh. I feel like I will never get it right. So why bother? Definately want feedback like I do get with fanfiction. Maybe a writer's group. Not really sure where I go to get that. Eh. We'll see. Research. Blegh. And that is all for today's post. I will valiantly try to write more after this. Maybe after Star Wars Legos too. We'll see. I'm putting the Host down for now. That thing is freaking addictive. And even though a few hundred pages looks "so close" to being done, it will still take me hours. And I would like to consciensiously do something else. Sooo...


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