Friday, December 14, 2007

A New Update!

It took me forever, but I finally sat down, finished the chapter, and updated. I was getting lonely, not having gotten any reviews lately, and I wanted to cheer myself up. It worked, even though it's only been one minute since I posted and I haven't gotten any reviews. :D I'm proud of myself, and I think that that counts for more. I got somewhere in my story - I moved past the fight scene. I'm still kind of stuck on where I want to be in the past - like all of the memories and stuff that I had going at the beginning of the chapters, but those will come to me. I had an idea at the end of the chapter that will be seen soon, and I kind of have planned on how I want Kagome and Hiei to "meet". The funny thing with my writing is that I started at one point (A), thinking to end at point B, when instead I end at point C, completely changing how I had things going. That's pretty cool, because it means that things "flow" for me, but it means that all my planning was for nothing. Shucks. My laptop is dieing on me, so this is going to have to end soon. On another note, I think I mentioned either in my first post or my second post replacing the deleted first post that I was trying to come up with a story idea for a real book. I think I have one. I'm so excited. It happened when I was at work. I'm like, that would be an awesome love triangle and such here with these types of characters, and poof I have a vague idea. I don't want my story in the romance section though, so it definitely needs more than that as a story. :D I'm excited. Once I get an idea, I can build and day dream and have fun. That is my goal. So we'll see how it goes. Read and review my new chapter, enjoy, leave a comment here, etc.



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