Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So, I posted but I've gotten no reviews yet... Hm... Is this a sign that the chapter sucked? Cause I didn't think it did... Maybe moved a bit fast, but suck, no... I'm a wee bit sad now. Over 60 regards on each site, but no comments. Damn. I would like to shrivel up as an author. Not an empowering moment!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't get too discouraged by the lack of reviews--chances are there will be more this weekend. Sometimes timing of the post plays a big factor.

I WILL confess that I was a bit disappointed with the chapter. You opened up more plotholes and inconsistencies. And you kind of killed Hiei's characterization. I'm not going to bother you about them since you seem pleased with the chapter, but if you want to talk about them, you can PM me. I really think you need to re-read what you have written and plot your course out carefully so you don't contradict yourself and so you don't have the characters doing stupid things.

I am currently having a HECK of a time getting my own chapter out for just those reasons. It can be difficult to keep up with who knows what and to make sure they react in reasonable ways in keeping with their character. But it can make all the difference, too. Sometimes, what seems like a great, quirky idea just can't be pulled off in the conditions that have been set up.

I AM going to mention this one thing: in your story, Naraku knows they sucked out Kagome's brain/soul. And they KNOW he knows. They should not be expecting him to still be showing up to trade Keiko for Kagome. It's not reasonable. And an in-character Naraku would just kill Keiko to show them they can't trick him and get away with it. Just something to think about.

Your writing style is just as engaging as ever and still a delight to read, and I hope you will keep writing.
