Sunday, March 22, 2009


Squee! Reviews on this chapter are like a floodgate!! I wasn't really expecting too many after last chapter, so this was frigging awesome!! ... Excepting that one lame ass review, which I left up there. Really? Criticism, fine. I'm working on dealing with it, and I certainly know I have issues in writing and following through. This thing has been going on, as in I've been writing it, forever! Or at least what seems like forever. Over a year? I think so, let me go look somewhere. Okay, didn't see anything on mediaminer or fanfiction, so I went and looked at the date of chapter one: Oct. 2007. Over a year, going on two. So sue me if I have trouble remember all that I wrote. And I think my dialogue flows fine. True, I didn't reread this chapter. I don't know why. My only excuse is that it was past one in the morning and the bed was getting all that much more inviting. So I've been writing this for over a year and have done no major editing. If I edited it - I would delete a shitload, add a shitload, and fix a shitload. Nuff said. But if you're going to leave a stupid review like that, at least have the balls to leave your name. That's pathetic, that you have to hide behind anonymity to leave a review like that.

Back to the awesome reivews!! Yeah!! I'm stoked! Thank you, everyone!! Makes me want to write the next chapter, but sadly I have a French essay due at midnight, so that comes first. It shouldn't take me too long to write it, so on to this hopefully rather quickly.

Nobody commented on Kuwabara. I would have thought that would get a review or two. The man wasn't always completely for what they were doing, and now he seems to be completely dissuaded with his best friend, his connection to Spirit World. What shall occur with that? And Yusuke? Yusuke is in a very hard place right now. He had to choose someone, and he did it. Of course I made it against popular choice :D, but some sympathy for his choice?? I'll have to work on that next time. And this time, just a little bit, Kagome did walk into Naraku's grasp. Just a little, even though she was still kind of thrown. And Hiei! Goodness, the man is supposed to be acting OCC here. I thought I got that across, but I'll definately have to work on it.

That's it for now. I'm experiencing this huge urge to go play Lego Starwars right now, but I shall resist!! I have work to do.

So, tty'all-l!

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