Friday, March 20, 2009

Damn Reviews

I don't feel like finishing Ultimatum. How crappy is that? I want to want to finish. :( I think it's because of the reviews. They aren't making me happy. I read enough author blogs to know you have to develop a thick skin to be published, so I know that it needs to happy. But damn, it makes me sad. What can be said of them, of published authors receiving shit reviews, is that they at least already have a finished product. It was good enough in the first place to be published. Not so with fanfiction, it's just not the same thing.

Thank you to all who left me happy reviews, particularly on this last chappy. For you I write this next chapter while I am personally ready to move on the next project. Next time, I just need to write the whole thing much faster.


PS I'm off to write right now, so crossed fingers!!

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