Friday, March 27, 2009


It's all about having the willpower. I don't, clearly. I had a hard time getting online, because my internet is not working for whatever dumb reason there is out there. Then, my keyboard/track pad is malfunctioning! It's getting worse! It keeps clicking on random links, moving stuff around, highlighting lines of text while I am in the middle of writing so then I delete what I had written! AHH! It's made for hard typing, let me tell you. So, I get online and get distracted - as if that one couldn't be seen a mile off. I do some research, then head to my folder of writing with every intention of writing the next chapter. Really, I was ready to click on Ultimatum! And then I saw this other little file with a different name, and I just had to click on it. So I did, and I found a one-shot that I'd begun writing a bit ago. I liked it enough that I was laughing. I love when you can come back to your old work and like it. Of course, I, like usual, hated what I wrote next. Yes, I worked on this isntead of Ultimatum. It was a nice break, I think. Kind of rejuvinating. I need to finish it yet, there's another scene at least that needs to be played out. Then I can post it. But that's after I let it sit for a while and then come back to it. I definately need to make use of that ploy, otherwise I hate all that I've done. Quite the nice pattern.

Anyways, I did end up writing, just not on Ultimatum. And I didn't even reread it either. *sigh* I'll get there someday. Someday...

Toodles for now!


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