No, I haven't written anything new, let alone post a new chapter. I have decided to deviate a bit from what I normally do. Movie reviews. :)
Burn After Reading: Decent. Won't be buying it. Thought they used the F word too much - it just ruined the nice flow of dialogue. Brad Pitt was awesome. I don't care who is boycotting him right now, he was hilarious. He made the movie for me. George Clooney not so much. He was good, but his character deserved to be shot until the end there. The ending was interesting, but the movie was kind of ruined for me after the incident in the closet. Weird humor, which amuses me, so I kind of liked it. But I would only ever buy it for a couple bucks.
Ghost Town: Went in without a lot of expectations and so was amused at the movie. It's a bit of a cliche, and the idea is no longer fresh, but it was cute. The one thing I didn't really like was the main character's complete transformation at the end. Sure, he could change, but do a 180? I don't think so. But not a bad movie. I liked it.
Eagle Eye: Went in with a lot of expectations because it is Shia LaBeouf, and I love him as an actor. Great guy on screen. Movie was a bit of a disappointment. It wasn't too bad, but damn if it didn't have a lame antagonist. Definately an overused antagonist at this point, which ruined the movie. Shia was awesome all around - great character to play. Liked him on both sides. So, he saved the movie for me. But I would buy Burn After Reading before this one. *Sigh* Sorry, Shia.
Back to the writing. I know I need to set time aside for writing, but it won't be happening this week. I have soooo much homework all due! I'm working on setting aside time, so we'll see. You have all heard that before. I did think of where I want to go next. I think the chapter will probably be short again, but oh well. I know Hiei was out of character in the last chapter. Definately would touch that up if I ever did a rewrite. This next chapter is at least going to start off with Yusuke, and perhaps Hiei, dealing with the consequences of their actions. Kagome is going to be quiet for a while. And, to borrow (kinda) from Supernatural, when (since we all know she doesn't lose her mind forever) she gets her mind back, will it still be her mind? Will it all be there? How will this really shitty experience change her? That is gonna have to be addressed sometime soon. And I know I didn't explain how Hiei and Kagome are connected in the last chapter. T'was intentional, to a degree. I will be explaining later.
Anyways, have a good week everyone! I'm going to go watch the Matrix before cracking down. We are watching Dangerous Liasons in French class right now, and Keanu has a small part, so I want to watch him all grown up. You just want to laugh and yell pansy in DL.
Over and out!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Take that! A new chapter already! It's short, but it's there! So ha! Now I just need to collect on the reviews. :) Hopefully this chapter got across what I wanted it to. Let me know everyone! Will update soon, hopefully!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Warren Zevon
I'm sitting here listening to W. Z., trying to write, and just getting more depressed. Anyone else listen to his stuff? It can get you melancholy. Which was, of course, the effect I was aiming for when I turned it on. Was just feeling the need to come off a chipper high from listening to mullet rock.
Anyways, in this mood, I wrote a bit. Not a lot. I went back to a piece that I've had sitting in my folder for a while. Mostly done. I had gotten stuck at a difficult part that I was trying to portray. I finished writing it, but I don't think I shall post it yet. I think I shall try and make this my first piece of revision. It's small, needs work, and should be a good starter. So, no idea when it shall hit the sites. Oh well.
I have a general idea of where the next chappy of Ultimatum is going. :) I really liked the last chapter, although I've only gotten a few reviews. That part kinda made me depressed, even though I know fewer people are reading and commenting during the school time. Guess that says something of my readers. :) Nothing bad, of course. So, I have the start of U 18 planned out, just not sure where to go from there. No idea how long it will take to get the next chapter out. Hopefully soon, the bug is back. (Now that I'm done watching Supernatural season 3... Did anyone else see the frigging start of the new season?!? Don't think I liked it.... :( ...)
Tchao for now!
Anyways, in this mood, I wrote a bit. Not a lot. I went back to a piece that I've had sitting in my folder for a while. Mostly done. I had gotten stuck at a difficult part that I was trying to portray. I finished writing it, but I don't think I shall post it yet. I think I shall try and make this my first piece of revision. It's small, needs work, and should be a good starter. So, no idea when it shall hit the sites. Oh well.
I have a general idea of where the next chappy of Ultimatum is going. :) I really liked the last chapter, although I've only gotten a few reviews. That part kinda made me depressed, even though I know fewer people are reading and commenting during the school time. Guess that says something of my readers. :) Nothing bad, of course. So, I have the start of U 18 planned out, just not sure where to go from there. No idea how long it will take to get the next chapter out. Hopefully soon, the bug is back. (Now that I'm done watching Supernatural season 3... Did anyone else see the frigging start of the new season?!? Don't think I liked it.... :( ...)
Tchao for now!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Yeah, I did it! I posted a chapter! Woohoo! Granted, it's not super long, and it involves one scene, but it's a chapter! I actually really like it. Revelatory, fun, nice character building (I hope). Should be good stuff. Enjoy, everyone!
Boy, it has been a long time since I've written anything. Let me tell you that I am ashamed of that... especially since I hate writers that have long delays between updates. Sorry! :( I was close to having a major breakdown, and keeping up on fanfiction just wasn't on the top of that list. The list consits of school, since I am paying 13 K a year to go to it I sure as hell better get good grades, work - cause I need a paycheck and its an obligation, supernatural - casue the new season came out and I had to finish it before the next season premiere! I have an obsession, not too much I can do about it.
Anyways, I finished the season, and since I had nothing to do today until the new episode airs tonight, I thought, why not write. So the first thing I did was get on here and blog. No fanfiction for me, no-siree! I will be writing directly after this, though. I feel like I had a bit of a revelation concerning writing, though, so it might take longer than normal for me to write the next chapter up. Especially since I've forgotten my own world and plot and whatnot. I hate when that happens. But, never fear, I am back on the job!
And that's it, for now. Anyone got any comments? Anything?
Tchao for now!
Anyways, I finished the season, and since I had nothing to do today until the new episode airs tonight, I thought, why not write. So the first thing I did was get on here and blog. No fanfiction for me, no-siree! I will be writing directly after this, though. I feel like I had a bit of a revelation concerning writing, though, so it might take longer than normal for me to write the next chapter up. Especially since I've forgotten my own world and plot and whatnot. I hate when that happens. But, never fear, I am back on the job!
And that's it, for now. Anyone got any comments? Anything?
Tchao for now!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Shameless Contesting

Here's me trying to win another contest. Everything following is copied from the website,, to promote the book Hostage to Pleasure (released the 2nd) by Nalini Singh. I like her questions, and would love the prize, so here ya go. I haven't read any of her books, so can't say anything on that note - sorry.
Do a post on your blog, livejournal, myspace, facebook or website etc, where you answer at least one of the questions below. You can do all three questions if you like!
* Which fictional hero (from books, tv, movies...) would you most like to hold hostage?
Dean Winchester!
* Which fictional hero would you most like to be held hostage by?
Dean Winchester!!
* Which fictional world would you most like to be held hostage in?
The winner, chosen at random, will receive a US$75 gift certificate from the online bookstore of your choice :)
Everyone interested go on over and get the details and enter!!
Note on the writing: still nada but getting a better handle on the obscene homework of college life, so hopefully soon. Supernatural comes out tomorrow!! Woot!!
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