Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Finals Suck

Amen. Projects can be lumped in with that heading too.

Friday, April 17, 2009

My glasses broke. Ugh...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I finally thought of a scene I would like to do. Of course, it doesn't really fit into the current chapter very well. I shall work it in there! Never fear, things shall happen. I promise. I was just so excited that I had thought of something that I had to post a measely little post.

Also, my garbage disposal is dead and my sink is clogged. If it is not one thing, it is another. I'm hoping, since I'm trying to make this a happy event like the meditation book says to, that this is fate's way of having a cute plumber come to my door. I wish.


Monday, April 13, 2009


This post isn't going to be about writing. At least, not really. So, for most of you who don't care, (a pause to smile :) ), feel free and skip this.

I got my laptop back. After not having it for so long, things feel so different. I still don't have all the settings back to normal. I have a lot of older programs, since updates didn't get installed with them. I have no idea why. Probably because I have an older operating system? I've had this sucker for a couple of years now. I need to get a new battery, but damn if we haven't seemed to have fixed all the problems. Bliss. No, Bliss! With an exclamation point. The keyboard feels weird, but I think that's just a factor of having had to use desktop computers with their bulky, blocky keyboards that clack like no other. It feels so silent and smooth! And, once more, finally, I can press lightly to get a key to tap. When I was on a desktop, I kept having to backup and put in letters that I had missed since I'm so used to barely hitting a key to get it to work. Nice. And the keyboard is smaller. My hands don't have to stretch as far. Also nice. I love you, my dear little once-screwed up laptop. :) Another smile of bliss.

I'm in a steller mood for two reasons. Today feels like one of those days where I'm caught up, and all my problems are going to be fixed. I love these days. Makes the world seem right. I think I'm also in a steller mood since I've been reading the Idiots Guide to Short Meditation. I did a couple of the exercices while reading the book, and I just felt relaxed afterwards. I know, I know, it's probably going in expecting to feel better that made me feel better versus the exercises (or at least that's the disputed point I imagine everyone stating as they read this, since we know everyone talks to their computers like I do). But, who cares? I feel better. True, I didn't necessarily start reading it in a bad mood, either. But, I'm in a better mood. Woot!

Another wonderful point of the book was that I decided to start writing down my random ideas for stories that I get into my head. That one wasn't explicitly written down in the book, but I thought of something while I was reading, completely irelevant to the topic, and I got up and grabbed my notebook and just wrote them as they came. They were all rather humorous points that I get in my head all the time that I always think would be great short stories or something and always inevitbaly end up forgetting. My memory kind of sucks, and I think it is because I put little stock in actually remembering anything. Anyways, I have like four now, and they all made me laugh. One day, since I know I don't have time now, I'll have to write them. The irony is that I really, really want to just write right now. But, I have some stuff I need to catch up on tonight, so no. I'll have to refrain just a little. The blog I've been meaning to catch up, and I find it therapeutic, so write it I shall. I need to work on time management, yes I do. So, tonight, I've got priorities, and writting isn't one of them. Which I know is not the ideal for all of us who want to be a professional writer, but what the hell. I've got my priorities and feel no guilt, which is a lovely feeling. In the end, I do only answer to myself. The point being, anyways, is that I'm making the attempt to write the random ideas that flit into my head down. Someday, they shall become something. :) Another happy smile. These little smiles are for me as much as the readers.

I'm pretty sure I came into this with more points to write down, but they are gone now. I would have liked to do a post on mercury poisoning from sharks on another blog, but that would take much more time than I have to give write now, so no on that one as well.

Ultimatum shall come. No creative writing at all yet, today, though. I don't know what to do about Ultimatum. I am bound and determined to finish the sucker though. I will. I want to. That is my motivation. To finally have finished something of that size and magnitude. Ignoring, of course, that a load would get chopped in a rewrite. I also imagine to make myself feel better while thinking of that load that another seperate much better load gets added during the rewrite. Layering is so much more fun and easy during a rewrite. It's kind of hard when you have no idea where to go, though. :) I would like all of you who read Ultimatum to keep in mind that this is the first draft. That should speak for itself. :) First draft. Blech. Yet, smile. :)

Points of writing today: write all your little random thoughts down, because one day you shall use them. Also, revising will make everything better. Just get it written the first time. :) This little bit actually makes me feel like the blog title is worth it. I think I would love to change this blog title. :) Yes I would.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I jsut remembered that entirely insignificant post I wanted to originally write!

I got another review on First Crush! The reviews are kind of low on this one. Does that mean it wasn't as good? My style has changed? It sucked? What does it all mean? I hate worrying about stuff like that. But seriously, if fewer people are looking at it, that counts as a bad sign. Ugh again.

See, now aren't you all glad I remember just what I wanted to post in the first place?




I certainly haven't gotten around to writing, or even reading Ultimatum. Bit hard having no computer. Hadn't realized how dependent I'd become. Really sad. Really, really sad. I'm become that much further entrenched in the technical world. But, change is change and can't be avoided. My computer is sort of up and running, but I still don't have it and won't have it until hopefully Monday. I'm crossing my fingers. Don't expect much this weekend. You know, I had a point getting on here but now I cna't remember what it was. Damn. I had something remotely pertinent that I wanted to say! What a pain in the butt. I hate when this happens, and sitting here and writing allt his hasn't helped at all. I still can't remember. Well, I guess if I get there, then I'll come back on and post.

Useless point, I kind of wnat to change the name. I'm all about change right now. But, it would kind of be a pain to change the link. But again, since no one really reads this, I'll probably go ahead with it.

Does anyone else out there ever feel like procrasitnating writing? How do you get out of it? How do you get out legitmate procrastination? Like with work, homework, cleaning - good stuff, as the excuse? I find if I can legitimately fill my time that I don't feel guilty not having written. I know that allt he auhtors always talk about having to have the fortitude to put aside time against all odds, but damn. That is my biggest problem in life right now. What does that say about my life that that is the biggest problem? God, sheltered... Sometimes I just hate myself. Ugh. I'll end it on that note. Enjoy.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So, I needed a new harddrive and we have top reinstall my operating system. My computer has gone loco. My Dell tech guy thinks he can get my files though. That would be nice. Like, really nice. I need my notes. Bah.

I might be writing something this weekend, but really, Easter and my Grandma's birthday and work and trying to catch up on computer homework for this week and the next. I would think no. Just no. Damn.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Good followed by bad

Yeah! I posted a oneshot and got reviews! Yeah, I also got a review on Ultimatum!

Oh no, my computer put up a fucking blue screen and decided to make it impossible to start up, requiring me to reinstall my operating system, possibly losing all the stuff that hasn't been recently backed up. Since like early March. That was maybe when I last backed up. God damn computer. All it has been doing is giving me trouble!

Why do I bother to tell you all this? Because it means I have no access to a computer unless I haul my ass down to the library. Writing may become sparse. Damn.


Monday, April 6, 2009

A One Shot

I updated a one shot. Nope on Ultimatum. Trying to get caught up in school. Darn. :D