Saturday, June 28, 2008


So, I wrote the outline, then didn't ever bother to reread the outline after I wrote and then promptly forgot all that I wrote. Nice. This is customarily how I work. Good news is that I like the outline, quite a bit in fact, and will from now on be following the outline. I wrote a teensy bit more, not a lot, but I plan to write more later. Problem is that I forgot all that I was going to go over during a group think session, so I have to go reread... Which will take time that I don't really have right now. So, hopefully will get to that later. After I go to a movie. Hopefully.

Soo, Tchao!

Kick ass ending

Ok, Kick ass ending! I wrote the end of the chapter (part. Part as in not the rest of the chapter yet, only the end), and it just kicks ass! I love it. I can't wait for all of you to read it! I'm still putting off the beginning fight scene, but I have the end done. I'll go from there, then. I might have to reread a whole bunch of stuff to remember all that I was going to go over/reveal, though. Which just sucks. Ah well. So, eventually (which is much sooner than the old eventuallies that I kept giving you guys), this shall be done and posted. i'm so excited for the reaction!! I swear, rereading stuff I wrote a while ago during moments of great writing ideas just inspires me again. I go through writing thinking it sucks and nothing shall ever come of it, and then I reread it and I'm like, shit this kicks butt! Woot!

Tchao for now!

Friday, June 27, 2008


Finally! The muse is back! I feel like I should be going, "Boom, Baby," just like in The Emperor's New Groove. The writer's block is gone. I wrote some on an independent story, about one sentence on the one shot, and then I wrote a conclusion to a scene in the next Ultimatum chapter. Overall, not a lot got done. But I'm excited about the two stories. I feel like writing Ultimatum again, which is awesome. And I have a good idea for a book (again)! The one shot is going to get shoved to a back burner again. It has served it's purpose in revitalizing me. I liked where I was going with it, but I do believe I need to seriously edit all that I wrote. Otherwise, it is almost to the end. Eventually, some day, that short story shall be written. Hopefully with more emotion to it. In the mean time, Ultimatum!!!

In other news!!! I won a free book!!!! Ann Aguirre's next book, to be exact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I tell you all how excited I am to finally win something? Something that won't be coming out until August, but I get early! I feel like I've been waiting forever to get the next book in the series, and now I get it early!! Woohoo! I'm rereading Grimspace as we speak, getting back into the groove and loving the story once more. :D I can't wait. Now I just need to be able to send an email with a pesky program that won't work at all... Pain in the butt, Outlook is...

Tchao for now! Off to watch either Rurouni Kenshin or Trigun. Those two main characters are so much alike. I must love pacifistic fighters. :)


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So I couldn't get in the mood to write the next chapter of Ultimatum. Like completely and utterly couldn't. Anyone else ever feel like that? I feel like I have lost the feeling of the story. I went back and looked over a oneshot that I had halfway written, and damn if it isn't way better than the shit I'm writing now. Argh!!!! Makes me hate what I have so far! Should I delete all that I have already written and start over? We'll see. This should help get me back in my groove. The short story felt like a good way to go for writing tonight, so I wrote on that. Yes, I wrote. I actually did. Got a good chunk done. The one shot is not complete yet, but it is getting there. I think I shall finish that next. I'm hoping there isn't a too radical of a difference between when I wrote then and now. I'll definately be editing all this to high heaven, trying to make it perfect. I want more emotion in my stories. I want to be like Stephenie Meyer - that is my new goal. Bones is history... Anyways. The story is depressing and sad to me. Death and old age always are. That should give you an idea of where I am going to go with this. My grandpa passed away recently, and I find that I am fighting tears while writing this right now. Bummer situation. I hate death. In fact, I fear death. For myself, and more so right now for those around me. I hate the feeling of being all alone in the world, and that is what I fear with death. Maybe I should write more about that. That is the emotion most prevalent to me, the one I feel the most. Not joy or happiness. Fear. I stress myself out way too much sometimes. But, they say write what you know. Laurell K Hamilton has an apparent well of anger inside of her, and from that we get Anita Blake. Bones knows bodies - tadah! I must think on this. Maybe it could actually work... Maybe. In the mean time, I need July 1st to come faster so that the next freaking Angel Diary (6) can come out in mass production! Now!! Speed up time!!!!

Tchao for now,

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Shuffling My Feet

So I got over the flu pretty fast. I feel like I have lingering side effects, but they could entirely be all made up in my mind. That or I am convincing myself that I have salmonella. Even though I haven't been eating tomatoes. Huh. I haven't been writing. No idea why. No good excuses at this point. Oh wait, I do have this: I've been busy busy busy rereading all of Stephenie Meyer again. Love her. She is my new aspiration: bestseller with an upcoming movie in three years. Damn. My dreams live on. I also haven't actually started writing my book book. I think I have a fear of starting, something not necessarily tangible that I keep putting it off for. Huh. I feel like I will never get it right. So why bother? Definately want feedback like I do get with fanfiction. Maybe a writer's group. Not really sure where I go to get that. Eh. We'll see. Research. Blegh. And that is all for today's post. I will valiantly try to write more after this. Maybe after Star Wars Legos too. We'll see. I'm putting the Host down for now. That thing is freaking addictive. And even though a few hundred pages looks "so close" to being done, it will still take me hours. And I would like to consciensiously do something else. Sooo...


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Even Worse

Want to know what lends itself even less towards writing? The flu. Want to know how much that sucks? Combine it with the foot. Ugh.

But, I'm sick of sleeping, so I'll try and write a little bit. I want this darn chapter posted, dang it. The story is getting close to ending. Huh. If I ever edit it, like seriously edit it, it would include a lot more I think.

Anyways, to writing.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Hurt My Ankle

I hurt my ankle. What does this have to do with anything? Nothing, I just needed a new idea for a title. Maybe one day I'll leave a blank one. Maybe...

Other news, this chapter seems to be a bummer chapter cause I have no inspiration to write it. It's... udescribable. I think it works fine, I just don't want to write it. Lazy me possibly. So, nothing new updated on that. Oh well.

I'll post more when I get more. Toodles!!


Friday, June 13, 2008


I finally wrote again. It took long enough. I finished the ending. Now I just need to finish the beginning and the rest of the middle. As I write more, I realize that my outline keeps changing. It's a bit aggravating that I'm already dismissing it - it helped me out so much! But the story must take its own path - it always does. Anyways, good ending. The middle should be entertaining. The story is getting kinda dark. Huh. I need to tie in some more stuff yet though. I plan on doing that in the middle. Hopefully that shouldn't be too hard. That's it for now - off to sleep!



I can't tell you all how glad I am that I don't live in a Tornado area. Damn if they didn't scare me when we did. I feel bad for all those people up north. And the most recent story in my paper: the BoyScouts. How horrible to have to see your friends beside you pass away? I almost cried thinking about it. I hope everyone reading this is ok. Everyone up north has my thoughts, and I'll be busy checking on those we know.


Thursday, June 12, 2008


Ok, here's a doozy of a confession. I haven't written anything in the last couple days. At least I think it's only been two days. Who knows. I sure as heck don't. So I'm tired and kinda sore from a sunburn. These do not lend themselves to writing. So we shall see if I write more tonight.

Tchao for now!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Sooo, I was gonna say not doing too much in that writing department again, but I said that last time and it turns out I wrote fanfiction rather than real work - you know, stuff that can someday be published. Far be it from me to bash fanfiction.

So, I wrote another disjointed scene. So far, I have right after the beginning, and right before the end. :) It works. I have my outline, so I can kinda figure out where to go. I definately appreciate outlines more now that I made one that actually helped. Hopefully, more tonight. And hopefully jointed. Nicely. With transitions and stuff.

A writer can only hope.

Tchao for now!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Sooo... Not doing too much today in the writing department. At least on my fanfic. Rather, I am working on the next Great American Novel! Tadah! I have an idea. Now I'm just fleshing that idea out. And then, by god, within a year (hopefully), I will have begun to write. Oh yeah.

I wrote a bit on the next Ultimatum chapter the other day (yesterday?). I didn't start where I wanted the next chapter to start, because I frankly just did not feel like writing a fight scene. I was tired. Tiredness does not lend itself to fast, furious, adrenaline filled writing. Nope, it doesn't. I was feeling bad about this until I read on Stephanie Meyer's website that that was a ploy she used for some of her books. Woohoo. A real author uses that trick. Nifty. Hopefully, some more will get written tonight, after the blog.

In other news, just finished Twilight today. Will be starting the next one sometime soon. That or Tamora Pierce's work. I like her too. I really, really want to reread the Host right now, but it is too soon. I know that. I would get bored. So I'm trying to put space between me and the Host book wise before I read it again. And then I shall love it all the more. :D

Otherwise, have a good night everyone!


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Making Headway

Ok, so not a lot to report, but something. Which is always better than nothing. By the time I got to writing today the creative juices were kind of dead and didn't feel up to writing. So I outlined. To be honest, I didn't know where I wanted to go next. Outlining definately helped. I got the entire next chapter outlined. And I know how to start the next, next chapter. Hopefully, this begins to start tieing stuff together. I'm bringing back some old points at earlier chapters, to give the story a rounded feel. I actually feel like I am getting near an ending. Woohoo. It's kind of short, I think. But I think even thinking of an ending is pretty good for me. I think for quite some time I had trouble picturing an ending. I feel bad ending my story. Its kind of like a series I want to go on forever. Like Case Closed or something. :D Oh well. All good thins must come to an end, and I hate stuff that doesn't end. And I like my ending. I really like how it will go. Should throw you guys for a loop. I see a sequel in my head, to fix the ending, but honestly I don't think I'll write a sequel. Just not that interested in writing one. What I can't wait for is the experience of having finished a piece of work. I feel glad that I could have posted it and gotten instant feedback. That, if nothing else, kept me going through thick and thin. However, at the same time, I feel bad that I posted it. It sooooo needs an edit. Maybe I'll edit it, maybe I won't. I just know that I hate reading summaries where people edited a story and are reposting it. It just bugs me. And I don't want to do that. At the same time, I hate leaving my story crappily done. Maybe I will repost it, though. But will I lose all my reviews? I know on mediaminer that I will lose the count of how many people have read my story. :( Oh well. We'll see. Let's just finish the story first. I can say that getting this far into a story, and getting such great feedback, has inspired me to actual writing. I keep thinking of stories that I want to write, and I am beginning to get the ego needed to write. We'll see.

I'm reading Twilight again. It's not as good as the first time I read it, becuase the first time through you still have the mystery. But it's still good. I'll definately be going to watch the movie in theatre. All the way in December... *Sigh* I want to see it now! I can't wait for the next Batman movie, either! I'm going to the midnight viewing, too! I need to buy some batman gear first, though. I just love Christian Bale. *Yummy Sigh* The Host was great, by the way. Didn't think I would really like it, and was all prepared not to buy it, and then I did. And boy was that sucker good. I kind of want a second book, but at the same time it's done to me. She doens't need more. Her world is pictured and working out. And I might add what a nasty trick there at the end! Ah well. I can't wait to get somebody to discuss it with. I think I have abnormal views on it. Communism anyone?

And finally that is all. I should be able to get something written tomorrow, but damn if I don't work later. Working later tends to kill any urge I have to write. So we'll see. If nothing else, maybe I'll just outline some more. Outlining is fun. :D

Cheers and Tchao Everyone!


Friday, June 6, 2008


Howdy hey folks! I'm in a great mood cause I'm getting reviews. And reviews always make me happy. :) I'm positiviely glowing. The reviews were good, with some good pointers in there this time. There were, as always, questions. I acutally know the answers to these, too. And I'm glad somebody caught a point and pointed it out in a review. Made me happy to see that people understood what I was trying to say. People are asking for the next chapter. Here is my shame. I decided to read The Host instead by Stephanie Meyer and go to a book signing by Laurell K Hamilton. Needless to say, those took up a lot of time, and I have NOT started the next chapter. Bummer, that. Hopefully, it shall be rectified soon. I try to update at a relatively decent pace, but the end of school and more work and (ironically) vacation all caught up to me on stuff I do on the side. Right now I'm going to go clean my room and then maybe right. I'm stoked after a good book read, so it should come easily. :)

On another note, saw Kung Fu Panda today. It was pretty good. Wasn't spectacular, had some funny parts, but I don't think I will be buying it. My mom and sister loved it. So that's a somewhat decent review. I love Jack Black, so that was cool. And Angelina Jolie and Jackie Chan. Although Jackie had all of like one line that wasn't a monkey squeak. Oh well.

Talk to you all later. I have the need to clean!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Chapter 15 is up! Woohoo! I didn't think I would finish it with that little action, but it got across what I wanted with this chapter, so tadah! I can't wait for reviews to start rolling in... I'm so lonely for them!

Besides that - who knows what a cave kiss is? I want to write a cute short story about it. My sister and I have been thinking about it for a while. She was cave kissed. :( I wanted to be cave kissed too, but was stuck just getting a bracelet I really shouldn't have... Oh well. :D I can pretend I was kissed.

Tchao for now!

Busy, Busy Bee

Ok, so took a family vacation at my house, so we've been doing quite a bit. I got pretty good at writing, and then suddenly I'm just too tired! I'm going to try and write more tonight. I've discovered that I suck at planning ahead in writing, cause generally it changes as I write it. I did, however, make some astounding connections in my own story. So woot on that front. In other news, visited some local caverns today, and it was just too cool. Amazing some of the natural wonders in the world. I've been away from the nature front for a bit too long, I think. I got a cool cd that they played during a bit of the cavern walk, and I got a cool bat shirt with several sayings on it, my favorite being 'guano happens.' If you don't know what guano is, look it up. And I must say, there are some obvious stuff about bats that I thought everyone new and turns out they don't. Like, for example, that there are those that eat bugs and those that eat fruit. And, the floor of the cavern is... on the floor! That was probably the funniest question of the night. Anyways. Off to write I am, I am.


Monday, June 2, 2008


Almost there. I am so close to finishing this chapter! I know exactly where I want to end. And I am proud to say that I have a good bit of hte story planned out. The ending, that is. I have all these different pieces colliding into an amazing finish in my head, and I'm so excited! I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget. I'm bringing together a lot of the older pieces, which I found rereading the story, and a few new ones I'm introducing in this chapter here. So far, I'm at ten pages. Wow. That's my longest chapter yet! I think it's because I have a lot of talking in the beginning, though. The word count is only second highest. I guess I should say I think the page count is the longest. I never did go and look up chapter fourteen's page count. Lazy, me? Anyways, I can't wait for everyone to read this chapter. I'm really liking where it was going. I hit a bit of a wall, but damn if I didn't overcome it. I even liked how I overcame it. It was a nifty idea, I thought. You all will have to tell me what you think.

In the meantime, it is a good possibility that I might go to bed now. I haven't been getting as much sleep as I need, and as such I feel super tired at a paltry midnight!


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Choo Choo

Chugging right along. I'm writing more now. But here's the sad part, I haven't written in so long, I've kinda forgotten what I've written. I have to go back and read my own story. In doing this, I realize it sucks in parts, which is just depressing. Makes me want to go and edit the darn thing. But one thing that makes me mad (possibly due to never having experienced the need myself), are complete stories, or half written stories, that undergo a complete revision. It just bugs me. Serisouly, I should write the whole thing, then revise it from there. That, to me, is the proper way things should be. Unfortunately all around, I was too anxious to write the whole story without commentary. Commentary helps. If nothing else it boosts a fragile ego. So, hopefully I shall get the next chapter up soon. :)


In other news, read Laurell K Hamilton's latest book, Blood Noir. I must say, I liked parts of it and I didn't. The beginning was ok, just a bit boring. It set up the rest of the story, so I realize the necessity. But I was sitting there reading and thinking, "when, when is the violence going to come in??" And then when it did, woohee, what a doozee! When that major thing happened in the middle, I was in awe of a stellar idea. I was so excited at all the possible directions this could go. And then the ending. The ending left me a bit wanting. It was good, but it felt a bit rushed. I'll be honest, this felt more like Micah to me. :( Oh well. And damn if Richard doesn't just piss me off. He reminds me sometimes of me ex, which is just terrible. And then, some of the stuff he did!!!!! And what Anita took back, that was an awesome idea. And what happened with Jason after the middle was just kewl. Anyways, the ending made me want more in an unfinished perspective. But the middle kicked ass. It just rocked. I can't wait for the next book. I'm happy to know she's already working on it. Hopefully, Edward will be there. :D I love Edward. He just kicks ass.

And that's all for now.
